Mass Effect 4

We know we're getting the next installment eventually (provided DA4 doesn't flop and sink the whole studio beforehand) so what are some things you would like to see in ME4, both from a story and gameplay standpoint?

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> it will be a game-containing product for s0ys

Why would you even want ME4 anymore? All the talent left Bioware years ago all the people their have no talent to make good games.

I'll buy it if you can gay romance a male Turian or Krogan. There's no way it'll be good enough to supersede my tastes like ME1-3 did.

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This. All that a ME4 can provide you is disappointment. It will be released at least 6 months before it's ready so will be nearly unplayable for the first year after launch, the characters will be a pack of zoomer-haired edgy fuckstains with no personality beyond their particular abnormal identities, the enemies will be entirely unthreatening and uninsteresting providing no realistic tension or suspense, and it will all be sprinkled with tidbits of things you might remember and enjoy from the original trilogy in order to bait you into feeling anything at all. Please stop letting yourself be fooled again.

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I would like it not to be made and not bastardize the series even more.

Why do you coomers pretend to care about DA4 when you will just use it as a dating sim and then jerk off to porn from it?

You don't care about the story
You don't care about the gameplay
You don't care about ANYTHING but the dating sim aspect of it because you're a pathetic incel coomer.

So i have no idea why you made this bait thread specially when you already used a coomer image. You're pathetic op.

>no idea why OP made thread
>constructs post out of absolute salt and (You)s

Looks like OP wins again

How many garbage games do you need to understand Bioware is done?
The most talented devs are gone, their last good game was a decade ago.
Let it go user.

blue futa cock

>Looks like OP wins again

Wins at what? Getting random strangers to post a comment in a virtual post made in an internet imageboard?

Oh wow OP you won here have reddit gold and 10 upvotes yaaas now you're validated and beautiful you coomer trans queen, since ou got a you on an internet page now you won't have to kill yourself!

Pathetic fucks, i have no idea why you even come to Any Forums if you hate videogames, go to porn boards, or better yet, go hang yourselves.

If we ever get another ME game it will be quite possibly the most woke game ever made.

tali's fat ass
liara's fat cock
tali's fat belly

post her cock

>just keeps doing it

Please sir, do not keep posting! It is ever so important that you do not continue!

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Why should I be excited at all? 3 burned us, and Andromeda was a fucking shitshow created by people who know jack shit about science fiction writing. These were people who said "Hey you know what we should do for alien designs? Make them look more human/bidped because its easier to animate and defeats the whole definition of "alien"". How the fuck do you even continue or recover from 3? Do ANY of the choices made matter anymore?

in my butt please

>Fuck of with Andromeda bullshit and make a reboot continuity back in the Milky Way where Reapers and Shephard never happened
>Bring back some good fucking writing. It doesn't have to be some grandiose, "save the universe" plot again, small scale stuff is cool too.
>Get at least some god damn quality control instead of making a comically bug ridden mess again.
Literally all I want. Also the more RPG elements and choices/consequences, the better

So is it beneficial to find a way to write around 3 to have Shepard return, or is it better to just start a new saga with a new protagonist after the events of 3 where Shepard is like a messiah figure?

I'd like them not to make it.
Anthem and Andromeda are prime examples that most of the talent has already left.
At the very least it would be cool if you could play as an alien

Genociding the Asari as the main campaign goal
Female Turian or female Krogan romance for maleplayer.

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down my throat please

Unless 4 is set thousands of years into the future, there's no way to continue the series without having major branches right from the get go depending on what Shepard did at the end of 3. Hell the synthesis ending completely alters the course of evolution on a galactic scale, which can't go unaddressed. There's a reason yhe new writers set andromeda in an entire seperate galaxy: unless you're prepared to soft reboot a story heavy setting you can't make a sequal to 3 that isn't retarted

>tali's fat ass
No love for Miranda's backside?

>post her c*ck
If we hit the bump limit.

>These were people who said "Hey you know what we should do for alien designs? Make them look more human/bidped because its easier to animate and defeats the whole definition of "alien""
To be fair to them, if you have a limited amount of resources and time at your disposal, you're going to have to recycle and reuse as much as you possibly can to be as effective as possible. Considering that pretty much every species outside of Elcors and Hanar can be summarized as nerdy frog humans, gypsy humans, greedy midgets, militaristic bird humans, stripper humans, terrorist slaver and hunchback murder giants, it's not like Mass Effect was particularly creative with their aliens to begin with.

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>No love for Miranda's backside?
Nope. I'm a Tali fan for life, sorry.

Which I get that, but it just pisses me off that they unironically tried to spin that in interviews to justify their terrible new alien antagonists. Also its fucking 2022, BioWare and EA need to stop phoning it in with that shit already. People want Elcor, Hanar, or whatever squadmates already

>Nope. I'm a Tali fan for life, sorry.
It's OK user, Tali was my OG Shep's romance.

>Bring back some good fucking writing
Well that's the main problem with nu-Bioware, they can't write for shit.

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It's been so many years and I'm still regularly fantasizing about burying my face in that tightly-suited Quarian ass.