Game: Concrete Noun of Abstract Noun

>Game: Concrete Noun of Abstract Noun

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is he ok?

hes ok hes just a little tired that's all

he's just chilling.

nice digits
check this 7


Just chillin


Attached: xina bing chilling.jpg (500x500, 41.25K)

Looks like Finnegan Fox hee'd his last haw



>Nature is so prett-

What's it like to get frozen to death, Any Forums?


A chilling experience.

you need to bing chilling,

i fucking HATE japanese RPG titles

grow up

How come his eyes look like the JUST eyes

Thanks user I was already depressed but this makes me even sadder.

the fox look like he has JUST eyes

What happened to it? He looks so perfectly preserved.
I thought it got stuck under the ice somehow, but its back is above the surface, which means it must have just died in non-frozen water.

I think ice crystals form at this point expanding whatever gelatinous parts of your body.

maybe drowned and then freezed? cause it's not like the water gets frozen instantly, it would have had time to swim away

he took Any Forumss advice and tried to coldshower pill


no the fox committed a sewer slide

>someone makes a stupid joke
This is what being an edgy faggot looks like.

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It died and froze quickly after. It could’ve died for any reason and fell into the water which would’ve preserved it until it was totally frozen. Even if the water it’s the cold enough to freeze immediately it would preserve it until it did.

Just seems odd for the fox to have drowned or frozen in what looks like really shallow water, makes me wonder how he'd end up in that predicament

It probably drowned though.

>JUST eyes
Nice quads

This user isn't chill.

>be fox
>haven't been eating enough
>cold as fuck
>expend more energy than I'm producing
>be exhausted
>find river
>try to cross
>fall through
>can't get out

Poor doggo, I found a drowned deer in the lake once, that went through during winter ice and stayed submerged until spring, it had green moss growing on it and the hair came off like grease when I touched it with the paddle.

sorry for this incredibly stupid edit

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How the fuck did he turn 180 degrees and triple in size?