Disjointed world that doesn't make any sense geographically

>disjointed world that doesn't make any sense geographically
>gank squads everywhere
>enemies get agro'd in groups
>reused bosses and enemies everywhere
>rehashed npcs and bosses
>padding for the sake of padding
Which game am I talking about?

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Well I would say the first 3 apply more to DS2 and the latter 3 apply more to ER.

Elden Ring!

>gank squads everywhere
Why is this fanbase so shit at fighting more than one enemy?
>enemies get agro'd in groups
This is a good thing.

Dark Souls 2, easy

Because souls combat system is dogshit.

>disjointed world that doesn't make any sense geographically
clearly ds2

Elden Ring has the highest amount of unique bosses even if you remove the repeata so im guessing you're talking about the heaping thrash of shit that is ds2.

People overuse lock-on and then get surprised they can only focus on one enemy at a time

the zoomer fears the jank and artificial difficulty. both these games are peak from soft

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This, so much this

>disjointed world that doesn't make any sense geographically
excepct ER's world literally does because you can fucking see it
>gank squads everywhere
that aren't just 6 enemies hiding behind the wall then behind you, ER has full awareness of what's going on
>enemies get agro'd in groups
only dogs/beast, you can throw a kukri at one dude and the rest may look but only that one enemy will come at you too unless you're within aggro range
>reused bosses and enemies everywhere
in a giant open world instead of small enclosed areas, it still has 80 bosses and 50 get reused, 30 unique is still a huge deal
>rehashed npcs and bosses
what NPCs were rehashed? that one blind lady? there's 1
>padding for the sake of padding
massive open world, not smaller isolated areas like a typical typical souls game.

if anything you're making DS2 look awful because DeS, 1 and 3 are very tight knit whereas 2 had open world tier stuff in a DAS1 style level design. fucking LOL frfr no cap on gwyn

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>no response
DaS2 and Shazam discord trannies comfirmed the same people. what a fucking joke.

I'm playing DS2 right now. Just crossed the zone full of wooden buildings hanging over the abyss, dunno if there's a bonfire there but I sure didn't find one. Then I reached the poison statues zone which sucks because my crossbow doesn't break them. I found a guts greatsword, finally something useful, been playing the entire game with a shitty mace. The blob made of humans killed me a few times so yeah I'll try again later.

Can I join the discord?

>I got filtered and it's too hard for me

Dark Souls 2 is objectively better than Elden Ring. it isn't even a comparison worth mentioning.

I was helping Sam Hyde with a production recently. He was bringing back an old concept, interviewing and gooning on people in urban areas. Got separated when the horde knocked down the barrier. I don't think he made it.

>big ol sam not making it
lol cmon now, did you know that he's related to Bones btw?


I mean literally related, mind you.

>2 absolute kino games