Frenzied flame is the most logical and kino ending in elden ring

Frenzied flame is the most logical and kino ending in elden ring.

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But the ending is called FRENZIED flame.

I did the Ranni ending first and I'm doing the Frenzied flame one on my next playthrough.

what even is the frenzied flame?

basically another version of the finger, but this time its THREE instead of TWO. Another pawn for the fingers, but you are MUH CHAOS

what about he 4 Finger guy or the Five Finger guy or even the 6 Finger finger guy
is there a 1 finger guy
what about a Thumb finger guy
are there Toes?

I really didn't expect some of the character morphing we got in this game, with the dragon eyes and frenzied flame everything. Very neat, like to see that kind of thing in rpgs.

It was beyond cringe
>orange/yellow eyes so evil!
laughed my ass off at that retardation

you can get blood eyes from mohg. i wonder if theres anything tied to the recusants

Ranni kills one

when the two fingers straighten upward naturally the other three fingers of a full hand would curl around the palm the way the three fingers curl around you

Nice, didn't know that. It'll be interesting to see what people find in the next couple of months, seems like there's a fucktonne of optional content.

It's a Kaathe/Frampt thing from what I gather, the two and three fingers are both working for the same palm.

It's just as trash as all the other endings except even more nonsensical and edgier

but where is the thumb

why does the tree even have thorns
what's the point of the tarnished if they can't claim the throne?

It's pretty edgy but I wouldn't say nonsensical, the ER world is pretty garbage so destroying it entirely seems like a good thing.

greater will wants everyone to fuck off after marika pulled her bullshit. tarnished are marikas army of retards that are willing to "become the elden lord" which entails burning the tree and killing the beast

then marika gave us the grace, or did greater will?

Leftmost digit on the Frenzied Fingers, IMO, right before where there's space for the other two fingers.

Even if it curls around the player kinda weird.

You dont destroy it entirely you make everyone go mad and live in agony permanently

That's just the transition period before the world is burnt entirely by the flames

i believe its marikas doing. to call back the tarnished from their long march. erdtree is hostile as fuck to all tarnished so it doesnt make sense if it was giving you the means to kill it

whats up with the dead 2fingers on the divine towers. they also look like they are made out of wood. i guess they are grown from the tree?

its actually based anarchism

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t. moral nihilist
Our world is garbage too so you wouldn't mind if I blow your brains out with a 12 gauge shotgun in front of your mom wouldn't you?

you're literally serving a jewish demon (an even worse one than ywhw), shabriri


>Our world is garbage too
It's not great but at least where I live I'm not a slave, being tortured for all eternity, being a sex slave for a pedo blood sacrifice demon, etc. ER is literally a nightmare dimension world if you explore it.

actually that would be the Age of Order, just because you dont agree with the current world state doesnt mean you should burn it all to the fucking ground you caveman.

The only super edgy ending is Mr Poopoo's, Hyetta provides a good defense for the Frenzy, says you're consuming evil, sin, and the rotten orders of the Lands Between. Which, to be fair, you don't get much more rotten than the Lands Between.
Shabriri is edgy and the Madness Cultists are pretty useless, but they were all attempting to be what the player can be: worthy of embrace by the Frenzied Fingers, some burnt out villages full of morons are not the actual goal of the Fingers.

The real kicker to almost all the endings is that the Greater Will is still pretty much in charge and you're just changing the guard at the top.