I'm shaking, I can't believe I killed him. I'm laterally shaking. How did I kill a being that could control the stars?

I'm shaking, I can't believe I killed him. I'm laterally shaking. How did I kill a being that could control the stars?

Attached: elden-ring-radahn-boss-fight.png (1062x669, 893.98K)

>I'm laterally shaking

Attached: 1617650816528.png (252x338, 158.59K)

>not medially shacking

Just give him AIDS

Calm down dude, it's just a video game.

>I'm shaking, I can't believe I killed him. I'm laterally shaking.

Attached: 1639874080521.gif (800x800, 3.6M)

He's just a demigod you'll soon realize he isn't shit in this game

The absolute state of fromtrannies

>she used summons
You didn't actually beat him.

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Anyone willing to help a PC user out? I need help beating the fallingstar beast near volcano manor. Password is "help" (no quotes). I'm at the grace.

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That boss isn't even hard, fag.

he had no feet


Opinion discarded

I placed my sign but I doubt I'm in the right level range.

>laterally shaking

Attached: giphy.gif (470x470, 1.62M)

Closet tranny response, keep staying obsessed

> t. Mage cheeser with Mimic +10 summon

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The entire bossfight is just pony circle riding and when he does the shockwave you go in for the hits and ride circles again

>" I'm shaking, I can't believe I killed him. I'm laterally shaking. How did I kill a being that could control the stars? "

Attached: soyboys.png (1080x722, 832.37K)

Here's a tip: if it does the multi-bull rush at you, do a jump attack with a long weapon and hit the head. Even weak hits will knock it out of that and deal high stance damage.

well he was a maddened weakened husk of his former self with the bulk of his energies maintaining control of the stars and you dogpiled him with respawning faggots
Still, good job

I beat it with nothing but two flails. Git gud, faggot.

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>How did I kill a being that could control the stars?
Wasn't his whole lore about him wanting a worthy death and that's what the festival is about? He just deemed you worthy I guess :)

Hold on please

wait til you get to melania

Unable to summon. Please keep placing sign

these threads are so gay, bunch of redditers trying to act cool over a 3 button video game

Uhh oops, I fell.

That was amusing. I was wondering how you get into that fight with no horse, never noticed the ladder.

Solo melee'd him with pure STR build earlier today and it felt great. Decent boss but horseback combat is kinda boring, still had a lot of fun with it.

beat him solo with an estoc
absolutely nothing about the boss fight requires summons

Cheers, user! Thank you for that!

Stuck a nerve xir?

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What level were you, anyway? I'm wondering how matchmaking works and whether you can break it with passwords.

T. Ranni

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I hate vidyafaggots

man the only thing this game needed was "Colossal flails"