Spend a couple hours on him

>spend a couple hours on him
>finally beat him
>no achievement


Attached: Black Blade Kindred.jpg (1280x720, 204.41K)

he's just a high level boss, you were probably underleveled when you fought him

Why would you need a trophy?
Victory is enough on its own

>he doesn't know
you will face this guy with a different weapon at least two or three more times then it will be a double boss battle

88,000 runes ain't nothing to sneeze at, though.

i one shotted him with my laser

Attached: xrgrlfo71xx41.png (699x756, 295.56K)

He isn't harder than other gaygoys and cheese-able.

I one shot in your mom with my laser

By the time you are actually supposed to fight him, it won't be worth a half of what you need to level up.


I'm having no trouble with end game content, including this guy, at level 106~. I got a level up from him, which required 81k or 86k.

You also were fighting him with weapons and skills he was completely resistant to.
I get the feeling people pick one weapon and only use that. At least have one of each physical damage type. You have no idea how much more damage you do to mother fuckers when you have the weakness to them. I went at mother fuckers with the +10 Bloodhound fang and did less damage than I did with a +10 Spiked Club.

He is easy even at level 60 which is the level I beat him with. You just need to combine melee and range to beat him. All his attacks are 100% physical except those you can obviously dodge.

Not enough shards to upgrade with and no reliable place to farm them either without fighting the most tedious enemies over and over
You can't get both weapons at above +10 without no-lifing a mats grind

>boss brings a friend
>so do I

So tired of these double bosses. I summon as much as possible on them just to punish them, done putting up with it.

You spent hours on the thing out in the open world with so much fucking room to move that they even let you use the horse?
You're going to shit blood in a blind rage when you find the versions that are actually mandetory bosses to progress to certain areas.

first time I saw any of the gargoyles was the double
my first playthrough was all over the place

That damn breath attack, I can't count the number of times it tracked me on my horse and one shot me. Granted I was level 35 at the time.

>walk into mine
>kill boss
>bring bell-bearing back
>buy as many shards as I need
The absolute fucking state.

Don't fight him on horseback. Fight him on foot. It is a lot easier.

go get the bell bearings to buy em, then enjoy experimentingh with weapons

180k runes to level up is like level 155