How do I get likes on my level with pick a door?

I want to troll people with pick a door, but if I get booed in the first few plays then my level stops getting played. How do I get likes before I hit them with the pick a door?

Attached: pick a door kino.jpg (930x521, 54.48K)

Personally I think they're just kind of lame levels, but if you do a pick a door level where instead of death, maybe you get less rewards but an easier path could be cool. Maybe one path is easy with a 10 coin, while the other path is harder with a 50 coin or even a 1 up.

the whole point is i want to kill them otherwise it's not funny to me.

Well, then you're just going to get your level boo'd. Even if you're creative with how you kill the player they're just gunna boo it because they feel like their time is being wasted. Try going for the anti-dev route instead, where you make them think they're getting an easy clear and that instead kills them or otherwise trolls them.

>make troll levels nobody likes to play
>"why do people not like my troll levels?"

What i've been brainstorming is to make a hard ass, but good, level with checkpoints. The amount of tries required will probably get likes in order to save time when going for retry (or from people who can't finish it but liked the level anyways. THEN, I hit them with the pick a door at the end.

Buh buh but baby want people to like baby's shitty levels! WAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

Attached: Crying-baby-010.jpg (460x276, 6.16K)

That's more bearable for sure. They might still boo it on principle but if the rest of the level is actually good, they might not care.

What are you going on about lol? user asked a question and I provided an answer. I haven't played Mario Maker at all since the last update.

OP is literally throwing a tantrum because people don't like his shitty levels.

My levels are quite good actually. I just really enjoying trolling people and I want to throw a pick a door in without getting booed, I made this thread to brainstorm with other anons since I thought you guys would know all about trolling people.

Why not just make a troll level? You can make a creative level, have a "pick a door" level, and get showered in likes all at once?

cause they expect to be trolled and it's not funny.

>I want to act like an asshole without people calling me an asshole

People don't like getting trolled, retard. If you do pick a door bullshit, you WILL get booed, whether the rest of the level was good or not.

*regardless of whether

>it's this autist again
No one likes Troll levels with pick-a-door/pipe you fucking 10iq mongoloid

How about Undertale music showcase into pick a door?

Attached: 1644700663596.jpg (1085x1259, 317.51K)

i posted about this shit 3 months ago or something, holy rent free


>it's not funny to me unless I do a thing that will get me boo'd, for sure
>how do I avoid getting boo'd for doing boo-worthy shit?

Attached: 1604900614173.png (323x201, 114.65K)

>pick a dick levels

instant boo skip