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Git gud (I hope I used that right. I just learned it from Reddit xD)

Yes... nice attempt at a falseflag.

>hating reddit
wow, very original.

Fuck off shazamtranny

I genuinely don't know if this is a raid due to how frequent this criticism is or if this is truly universal criticism because of said frequency. My god, I've been mindbroken.

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true but in reverse.
first half was so boring and I didn’t no where to go. second half was more like classic dark souls and I loved it

So are we trying to push the same exact DaS1 shitpost for ER also? I mean, it will probably work but could you have at least cane up with something new?

Everything after Anor Londo is dogshit

It's the same the entire way through fuck off with this faggot twitter meme

Oh boy, Tibia manor 4 except with huge Susanoo arms

gas anyone who uses zoomshit meme formats

i thought limgrave / liurnia were the most boring parts of the game.

The games quality drops the further you go in. The last real continent you go on is way sparser and has less stuff then the previous. The end boss rush contains the hardest and in many cases most annoying bosses in any souls game. Still good but its no early game I feel.

Why did Mr. Incredible get meme'd?

It's really only miserable if you use a big weapon during boss fights.

>The last real continent you go on is way sparser and has less stuff then the previous.
I don't think this is a bad thing. By the time you're in Leyndell you have your build, you probably have your endgame gear, you have been playing on that character long enough and you probably just want to finish the game soon or do endgame bosses like Mohg and Malenia and her massive dungeon, not fuck around in more catacombs.

If you are already in the second half of elden ring, congrats. Get a life

anyone else feel like the open world is a detriment to the NPC quests, ive come across a few NPC's and never seen them again
also open world burnout is fucking real and i'm dragging my feet to the end

I love twitter memes. There's a naive innocence to them, like a child's macaroni art

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