I recently decided to give these games another try again after seeing that this was on gamepass...

I recently decided to give these games another try again after seeing that this was on gamepass. I went in with very low expectations since I still have a burning hatred for ME3 but I at least hoped that ME1 or ME2 had some redeeming qualities. After giving both ME1 and ME2 a decent I have come to the conclusion that every game in the series is shit.
>ME1 in general had a generic storyline and had boring characters. The combat and driving has not aged well either.
>ME2 is filled to the brim with cringe dialogue, has a plot that does not move the story forward, and they managed to make the combat even more boring.
Has anyone else had a similar experience while replaying these games or have i just become jaded over the years.

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They were never good. I myself am bias because i hate everything space related, but even then i could get fun out of some stuff, I liked Shepard for example, he was cool and cute as fuck. But the story, characters, everything is pretty meh.

And people don't like any of those either, the ONLY SINGLE REASON people care about those games is as a dating sim. It's why they are never discussed here in Any Forums unless it's porn about Liara, Tali or Jack. And why nobody can argument why they think the ME3 endings are bad.

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You're jaded because these aren't new things at all

>I recently decided to give these games another try
>I went in with very low expectations

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>And why nobody can argument why

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>And why can nobody can argue why they think the endings for ME3 are bad?

ME1 and ME2 build up the reapers as villains that have an unfathomably complex reason as to why they want to destroy all life in the universe. ME3 comes along and some dumb kid says the reapers are protecting organic life from synthetic life by killing and then presents you with color coated endings for the fun of it. That is why the endings are shit and always will be shit.

Imagine editing someone's shitty engrish for the soul purpose of repeating what everyone else has already said about a decade old game.

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I don't get Hwy you faggots expect games to be masterpieces when they are the lowest form.of entertainment made for kids and teenagers. You going to tell us blue clues doesn't have good writing either or give us a critique of degrassi? if they game kept you around for two entries in the series then it was good.

>being so butthurt that you use ancient memes to hide how mad you are

>ancient memes

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>That is why the endings are shit and always will be shit.

How is that different from any other game out there? How would you have ended the game?

After 3 games of preparation you finally kill the reapers at the end of ME3, what's wrong with that? The starchild telling you the purpose of the reapers is irrelevant, it didn't make them stronger or weaker, it just explained to you why this giants robots wipe the galaxy every few centuries, and looking at the geth/quarians they had a reason to.

Anyone who hates on ME3 endings should hate on every other game that also gives you 3 choices, like Witcher 3, Dragon Age Origins, etc. but they don't.

>Fuck you, oldfag
Look how far we've come

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I tried to play the series years ago and it just felt like a slog and ended up quitting on ME2 around the time you meet Jack. The story and characters were just boring and I guess I was tired of the canned Bioware formula at that point. In hindsight, Bioware in general was extremely overrated and just made the same game since KOTOR except with a new coat of paint.
Hey farquaad-kun


His point wasn't to express his position or present any independent idea. His point was to say something vague and generic so that he can argue with ANYONE that replies. Welcome to Any Forums

For all you know that could be what he considered a fully fleshed out thought. Not everyone is aware of their shortcomings.

That is a fair point

>trying so very hard to write proper English.
Almost caught em all

The fuck is a degrassi?

What was their huge undoing was that the explicitly said that they were not going to deliver a multi-coloured, vapid ending. And that all your choices, throughout your series, had consequences.

The ending was bad. That is objective. There are pretty heavy restrictions within parameters of video games, and I agree that there are franchises that have done it similar. But none so as bad as Bioware.

I mean, they pretty much conceded to it in saying it was terrible. Seeing as how they remade the ending in a DLC.

I dare you to say something specific about your critique of the game. No generic adjectives. No appealing to the monolith of "video games" and a vague notion of some kind of inherent, unknowable core of quality. Just something small, specific, and directly addressing a quantifiable issue with the game.

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>What was their huge undoing was that the explicitly said that they were not going to deliver a multi-coloured, vapid ending.

So they lied, big deal. Now tell me what's bad about the ending itself. You feeling betrayed by a jewish CEO doesn't change the actual product, that's just your feelings.

Since you talk so much about things being "objective", tell me what was bad about the ending. Did they suddenly add a plot twist "Oh it was all Shepard's dream"? No. Did the Reapers die because when they got to earth the little martians inside got killed by germs? No. Were the reapers allergic to water? No.

Shepard and his army literally built a giant weapon to destroy them, and you're given the option to instead control them, merge them with biological beings or let them destroy it because you think they are right.

Tell me what it's wrong with the ending without reducing it to "WAHHH I DON'T LIKE THE COLOR BLUE OR GREEN NOR RED REEE!". I understand being pissed that it's the same cutscene recolored, but the lore implications are nowhere near the same, and if in an RPG you don't care about the lore then you shouldn't have played it to begin with.

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