League of Legends is the only good video game

League of Legends is the only good video game

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Dota has been free for a while.

the only good videogame if you don't enjoy your life and want to spend most of your playtime being upset at your teammates because you have mc syndrome

I know fuck all about lol except that I want to impregnate Riven and have Qiyana sit on my face

I wanna play with Vi's fat phimosis dick.

sad but true

dota is boring

league is just bad
>Rito balances the game from a top down perspective instead of, you know, making all the champs equally stron and makes some hilariously weak while others remain top tier OP and see constant pro play and play from metafags
>there's still very little to actually do besides SR, TT, and ARAM
>they fucked the lore to hell and back
>some characters got reworks that completely raped AND assassinated not only their character but their looks, lore, and abilities too
>somehow a game that requires teamwork that's been out for years still doesn't have voice chat
it's no wonder people use the word "toxic" to describe league because 1. they're pussies and 2. the game makes you absolutely DESPISE your teammates as a result of poor communication and no incentive to work together.
the game makes no effort to teach the player how to actually play the game despite them making it a bannable offense for not following the meta. if you try and play how you want to play your teammates can report you and the mods will be like "lol play the meta or get banned". fucking faggots all

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League of Legends is literally the worst game ever made.

LoL isn't even the bej8st game within its genre

Tetris and Puyo Puyo exist pleb

I like the artstyle of LoL and also that the matches are around 30 minutes; but aside from that I prefer Dota2, the hero mechanics, map, etc. Is better.


LoL is Dota dumbed down for casuals and retards

>go into a ranked game for the first time in a while because feel like shit anyway so hey why not can't get any worse
>decide to go support and take exhaust because enemy team has several scaling assassins (kha, ekko etc.)
>immediately adc starts hounding me that i should take ignite
>ignore them
>they leave queue
yea fuck this entitled baby bitching playerbase i'm going to dota

Eat shit Ribon maines

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Skarner is the only good thing from league

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Getting reworked. Kiss him goodbye.

Why is Riot like this?

sex with ribbon