Will there be more patches for Elden Ring?

Will there be more patches for Elden Ring?

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But he is in the game?

Yes, probably a bunch. Don't expect a balance one for another few weeks at a minimum though because From are incompetent.

No, his storyline is finished.

Will there be DLC?

do you think they'll ever fix the stuttering on PC

i'm more concerned about the input lag
i'm not touching the game until they fix it, going back to sekiro

There better be.
The pvp in this game is so broken.

ray tracing is coming in a patch. I can't help but wonder if they're actually relighting every scene properly though, if not its gonna look shit

where does he go after volcano manor? I never found him again

like they're going to fix half a games worth of content in a patch

give it another week or two when this game loses fotm status for normalfags

They will.

1000% chance of Hoarfrost getting completely reworked— it honestly does bullshit damage compared to almost every single other weapon art.

Don't think so, mate! There's only one trusty patches, in the flesh!

Now, might I interest you in some useful Elden ring tips? They're very valuable...I assure you, so I have to keep them hidden. I promise they'll be worth your while!


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His story was finished in Dark Souls 3, but he got another story line in the Ringed City.


Of course there will.
>reduced incantation power
>made minor adjustments
>fixed minor bugs
see you in 6 months with the DLC :^)

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I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we get a Scholar of The First Sin style update in a year so they have an excuse to sell the game again.

If it's like their previous games, then very slowly yes. I think DS2 was the only one that got patches in a timely manner because they gave a shit about broken stuff.

imagine if they could add 4, more fleshed out, regions, I'd be stuck there forever

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