FROM still hasn't topped this

>FROM still hasn't topped this
You hate to see it

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notice how the sword drops when you think its gonna drop and not half a second after like every boss in elden fucking rang

My favorite fight was the monkey from sekiro.

Maliketh is just a better Ludwig

That fucking spear throw that Morgott does has to be the worst one in the game. Where he actually lets the fucking thing go, it should just drop at his feet, because the power stroke is already finished

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>shonenjump faggot impressed by flying spinning sword beams
It was fucking retarded

isshin was better

Yeah but ludwig had better aesthetics

Yeah except for with Hoarah Loux's AOE foot stomps you need to be in the air about 10 ms BEFORE his foot touches the ground, no matter where you are in the arena. The shockwave animation has nothing to do with it. If you're touching the ground anywhere in the room, you take the hit at the same time

Ludwig is goat
All of his attacks are well telegraphed (well almost all of them) and flow naturally despite being a malformed beast. Second phase is the obligatory big guy with a sword bossfight and it's one of the best in the series. He doesn't read inputs, cancels animations or any bullshit like that. And your character has the mobility and aggressiveness needed to fight him.

I can't believe they regressed so much in Elden Ring after the masterpieces that BloodBorne only the dlc and Sekiro bosses were

>The fucking pose he does when he takes out the sword too

ok miyazaki you hack

I feel the same about one of radagons moves
hes not really hard but I always get hit by his shit no matter what I do sometimes

Elden ring has like 50 thousand Guts references it just feels distasteful and corporate imo
I miss the subtleness of shit like artorias

Orphan is still the undisputed best boss they have ever made.

Yeah like half of the unique armor sets


At least Rykard actually earned his Berserk reference, being the single best Apostle boss battle in video games.

*mutes TV*

It was an epic boss fight, sure, but let's be realisitic. It's just Sekiro divine dragon but with flaming skulls

Damn I never thought of Rykard as an apostle but that actually makes a lot of sense