I seek validation: The video game

>I seek validation: The video game

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More like the fanbase.

+1 Upvote

more like the thread

I will never not laugh at retards not using summons and playing STR builds. I’m having fun raping all bosses 30x

maybe beating this hard boss without summons means I am not such a loser after all... r-right?

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Das1 was good but all fromnigs should kill themselves

is that what this is about? I know I'm a loser, this is Any Forums after all. got anything else?


Validation? Is it a sorcery? Never heard of it, check the wiki.

why do you care what other people think so much user?

>got anything else
no that's it

If anyone is always seeking validation it's you annoying troomers

Don't worry tranny after I finish Elden ring I MIGHT play your tranny game next, you're gonna have to wait a couple thousand hours though I like being thorough with my games

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I project attributes that have nothing to do with a video game: the thread

The shitch has no games

>Type A/B
>calls anyone else tranny
like pottery

>I seek validation for being bad, the thread

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which weapons scales with validation?

still don't care about horizon forbidden west

>drawing a small amount of confidence from accomplishing something difficult, even if it's meaningless

Unironically yes

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DAE harbor a cultlike fixation with a particular subgroup of entertainment consumer?

That's also in Monster Hunter, I blame americans for it

unicycles and trombones