Defend this dogshit, fromsoft shills

Defend this dogshit, fromsoft shills

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summons are gay. the adds add nothing to this fight. its just fucking annoying and shit

This, they get friends and anime moves you get friends and anime moves.

I killed him second try

That's fine but just understand that if you use summons you didn't actually beat the boss

you used summons, you were overleveld and you are gay

Holy shit man are you really playing at 1366x768? What year is it?

its for those who don't have friends to summon to a boss fight. From thought of us neets and threw us a bone

you can always beat the boss on your NG+
you do NG+ runs, don't you?

Nah, you did. The bosses are bullshit. The timings are inherently deceptive and unpredictable and random and arbitrary.

Anything in the game is fair to use to beat them.

>Making up arbitrary rules to handicap yourself

then gitgud faggot.
>waah wahhh it's not fair
>"you're not using every advantage you could be using"

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fuck commander niall

he was pretty easy for me, just aggro and kite one of the summons away from him and he hangs back and does nothing. Same thing for the other one and he just buffs the summon and continues to do nothing
after that the fight is relatively straightforward, just wait for him to do his regular melee combos, punish. Rinse and repeat

stop playing the game

>refuse to play the game the way the devs intended
It's like saying Super Mario Bros is shit because you refuse to collect any of the powerups.

Stop being gay

Thought he was real fun, flashy moveset too and nice armor with BIG CAPE

Whats there to struggle with in this fight? Main boss is almost dormant until you dispatch the summons, you have plenty of time to deal with 2 knights

Parry the dual wielding one and its almost oneshot kill, shield guy is ez. Then its just the boss left, who is also very simple compared to lategame bosses.

this motherfucker is using the banished knight Oleg Ash AND he gets another dude

Or maybe he just isn't a whiny, diaper-wearing baby like you

Holy shit this looks so ugly

The boss uses summons. Why can't you?

Or maybe he is gay