Which vidya do you feel takes the most advantage of its medium?

Which vidya do you feel takes the most advantage of its medium?

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I hear Pathologic 2 does it well but I haven't played it. Can anyone of you anons attest to this?

i seriously hope you didnt make this image lmao

>no books

>new Vegas
I appreciate you making the bait obvious immediately, I didn't have to read the majority of that

these ones do, although I'd say that Ueda is in a league of his own
I don't think MGS2 is at all impressive, its overreliance on cutscenes is at odds with what vidya is uniquely capable of doing, which is telling a story through gameplay/mechanics

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please stop presenting your contrarian opinions as fact

Hee hee you little trickster. Not today, not today.

Gorogoa was boring psuedo intellectual shit.

I agree, MGS2 and Undertale feel like they should be swapped. Not to say MGS2 isn't great, but Undertale does a better job of using the medium to its fullest.

>Undertale that high up
Bait list

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who here /book of the new sun/

>trout mask replica
nigger, the music it's good, it's just weird, put some headphones and you will understand how many tones it has and how funky they sound, saying otherwise is saying that jazz isn't music (by being very poly rhythmic, but understandable).
Trout mask replica isn't a mockery, it is just weird, even then, i will admit that there's other equally good albums and general music, trout mask it's at his least a great musical piece, at his best it is a masterpiece, but in music there's a lot of masterpieces.

i know that it is bait, but i need to repeat it, hear trout mask replica.

I have no idea what criteria you're used to distinguish those games

>mocking the audience
>necessarily bad
This just reads like someone with a bruised ego.


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>that pic
>Fagout Turdvegas
>Meme Gear Solid
>under masterpiece

>Kikes Of Us
>Memecalypse Now
>The Great Faggot
the absolute fucking state of Reddit 2.0
I genuinely wish and hope that the feds will shut down this hellhole for good.

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>tlou great
>tlou 2 terrible
Its the same game

Razorfist om suicide watch

Nier Automata. Nothing else has come close and won't for a long time.

Electronic games has broader usecase than film and books. Games can be sport and argueably a form of theater or improv. I think your standard artsy games or what one could call the equivalent of cinematopgrahy in games is navigation of 3D space, 2D can be keyed in, but its harder to talk about. Great recent example being Oneshot. For me the go to is silent hill, which I have no nostalgia for and only recently played, and have only played silent 2 in that franchise. Absolutely fantastic games that is completely aware of important this is for any budding artfag.

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Any game that uses simplified tokens, mechanics, or die rolls are immediately disqualified. Tokens, keywords, and the like are designed to make a game tolerable to run at the table. D20 mechanics exist because it streamlines the math of calculating exact percentages, which would slow a game down. Modern tabletop-based video games are less about giving the freedom you experience in tabletop games and are more about simplified gaming mechanics that don't take advantage of being digitized.

Any video game that relies on complex mechanics would be lifted to the top. Aurora4X would be impossible to simulate on another medium, for example, while modern Civilization games have adopted board game mechanics that are easily simulated across various forms of media.

Another factor would be a complex series of choices having a significant impact on the game. It's not enough to have choices, but to also be able to weave various choices and decisions to reach complex storylines. Ogre Battle is a good example, since you can follow many paths that can bring you to various endings with a various cast of characters that you may or may not have undertaken events with. Visual novels are the counter to that, which typically follow a "choose your own story" format that has long since been done in both film and novel.

You're supposed to make the bait a bit less obvious user.

I only came here to post this