Here is the 3v1 you ordered

i've had about enough
probably losing about 3/4 of the invasions
you can find three queers at a bonfire waiting for you
what is the best way to grief these people? i am working from home lately and i think i should invade and hide once i see this fag behavior, and just make it a test of patience

possibly the worst pvp of any game in the series. i cant believe how bad it is. what is the gayest shit i can do to beat these types?

Attached: recusant-finger-tools-elden-ring-wiki-guide.png (200x200, 11.2K)

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your like a nigger who complains home owner having a shotgun when you try to rob his house with only a knife

never was i wasn't bitch
ill rob your fucking mom dude

>use the eclipse shotel with the deadly sin spell
>host dies 5 seconds later due to death/curse buildup
>only have to roll around him or run after them

gg ez

Your buddies can't protect you from this fuckboy

yeah. might as well do this
how many respecs do you get in a typical run? i am on ng+2 and it feels like you can get about 3 unless you really go looking
they will patch it so it's moot but i need to figure out what does some good aoe besides that

you need aoe

just cheat bro, EAC is a joke

I finished the game with 10 respec items

if people are waiting by a bonfire, knife out and re invade until you get a host where you can use the level against them somehow. it's not even worth the (likely) possibility of getting stunlocked to death.

Hey OP, I'll clue you into a secret: All of the dogshit invaders that relied on their ability to twink to an excessive level and stomp random PvE retards have since switched sides to abusing the host advantages given to you in new souls games to gank instead. You sound like a shitter so go do that instead.

yeah but then they win
invaders should be buffed heavily whenever the invadee is using summons. i should feel like a raid boss
some game did this. i forget which one

Frost mage build, with hoarfrost stomp, and sorcery frost spells. Frostbite not only slows them but the snap damage can almost 1shot several people at once. It's brutal.

>doing varre quest
>need to invade three people
>every time it's a group of people and they kill me and do some pointing gesture
What does this mean? Kinda pissed me off
git gud

fuck off
constructive responses only, please
i was using blood slash but you can't catch people at the end of rolls with it. it's like the range is just worse in pvp or maybe the lag is so fucking bad
i doubt hoarfrost can catch people. can't you just roll twice?

Attached: 1643846704323.webm (230x370, 2.59M)

if your gonna abuse op shit might aswell go curse shotel

the whole point is abusing shit

People don't realize it but you can jump attack over it, damage comes from ground after all

its not that OP against PVE
and i already changed it
i always change my weapon every few hours in these games

This. If you want fair fights then you should install Street fighter V

Does anyone know if weapon memory is back?

kill them from across the map using the sacred relic blade

If you want a 1v1 then put a sign down you PUSSY BITCH, but you won't because what you REALLY want is DaS1 Undead Burg where you can just effortlessly murder new and underleveled players with your gay twink shit

most people charge or panic, don't think about jumping. And most 3 player teams are full unga bunga mode, so frost magic works as a great trap.

the combat in the game is not good enough
i want to go 500-0 like i did in ds2

This. OP is bitch-made.

Attached: 1571229808448.jpg (500x300, 118.35K)

either use a red sign or open YOURSELF up to invasions, pussy

first of all, your mother
secondly, pvp in these games has always been about abuse
i think i spent too many souls because i very rarely get invaded

You need to pop the item that lets you see summon signs then the taunter's tongue and be in the right areas.
It sucks.