How do I actually "git good" at this fucking game? everything oneshots me wherever I go and my weapon deals zero dmg...

how do I actually "git good" at this fucking game? everything oneshots me wherever I go and my weapon deals zero dmg. do I need to kill sheep for 8 hours to get levels or what the fuck AAAAAAAA

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OK so level up.


on what???????????

>everything oneshots me wherever I go and my weapon deals zero dmg
Neither of those are possible and I'm doing a level 1 run now.
You're just really bad at videogames.

I'm playing as vagabond and this fucking sword does zero dmg

Don’t get hit

Fight other things. Get summoned. Sell the items you got. Etc. Figure it out.

it honestly easier for me to get overleved in this game, how do i get bad?

I just beat Rennala and met Ranni for the first time, went into the underground river and learned I need to kill the general, but as soon as I enter Caelid I'm getting my ass handed to me by everything, do I need to go somewhere else first or is this actually the intended route?

I do honestly need this explained to me. Do I just kill the small skeleton/zombie guys in the forest when I get out of the start area? There is a knight on a horse and I can't beat him no matter what I do.

I explored north of Liurnia before heading to Caelid and it felt like a natural progression

>everything one shots me
Level up your vigor
>everywhere I go
Stick to certain areas until you level up more, ie don't go to caelid as soon as you start the game
>do I need to kill sheep for 8 hours
Kill the Giants around stormhill, they drop 1000 runes each

Thanks bro, heading there next

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Caelid you should do in the second half of the game

Tree Sentinel can be beaten but it's probably wise to try him when your build has a bit more teeth. Same with Agheel and the Tree Spirit underground (though I beat the latter at like lv. 24ish)

Get the smiting stones in the mine near that gate where you get your horse. Easy weapon lvls. Then, if you want, farm for some better armor or weapons off of the godrick knights, (another benefit of this is some extra runes) this is assuming you're running a melee build anyway. If you're running mage get the sword of night and flame and get souls to level from killing the sleeping dragon in the east (bring a bleed weapon)

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ok I destroyed my keyboard and uninstalled this game

How far into the game you are?

level up vigor for hp, endurance for stamina, and str/dex for damage. it's very straightforward.

I got to first boss in a castle but I'm not gonna fight that bullshit so I just roam aimlessly

yep, explore everything in Limgrave before going to the castle, you should be fine that way