Crossdressed as a woman to escape combat, got his ass whooped by Malenia...

>Crossdressed as a woman to escape combat, got his ass whooped by Malenia, and then kissed her feet and begged crying and screaming for her to spare his life
>Acts like he can command anyone to kneel

lol this fucking guy

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not like that other guy that cried to literally everyone and their friends and all cascaded onto some other guy whose only 'crime' was making crybaby's medieval crush smile
what a couple fags. they should just kiss already

Was he even from the same generation as Marika's main bunch of children? One of the NPCs described him as like, just a cousin or 2nd generation to the main bunch, at best.

Or the guy who made it his life's goal to get divine shota bussy, but couldn't even manage that

He's also a tongue-in-cheek reference to Aerys Targarygen.

Marika had two lineages; first was from Godfrey which was Godwyn, Morgott, and Mogh. Second was with Radagon and was Melania, Malekith, Radahn, and Miquella. She also adopted Ranni and Rykard despite the fact they are only half-related to her children with Radagon and were classified as demigods despite their mother being Rannela or whatever Ranni's mom is.

Godrick was described as being a cousin, so he probably comes from someone who had married into Godfrey's lineage down the line.

Godfrey is just barbarian tarnished who took a new name, Gideon and Nephi are as demi-god as he is.

Radahn, Rykard and Ranni have no relation to Marika besides their father technically being her.

>and then kissed her feet

Godfrey became the first Elden Lord, so I'm pretty sure he's more then a simple "barbarian Tarnished", given becoming that makes you a demigod anyways.
Radahn is Radagon's son with Marika.

>besides their father technically being her
Radagon and Marika were fused together or whatever by the Greater Will after they had already become married/lovers. They were always two separate individuals before that.

Where was any of this stated

The only children from Radagon and Marika are the cursed twins. Malekith is Marika’s shadow similar to Blaidd and Ranni. Radahn is the son of Radagon and Rennala hence his name starts with an R, same with his siblings Rykard and Ranni. Rykard’s house also has a big portrait of his brother and Ranni gave Rykard a shard of the Rune of Death which implies the siblings were close to one another.

These names are so confusing.
Is Godfrey or Godwyn the golden nigga we fight before Morggot?
What about the nigga with the lion stand?
Radagon is the last boss, right?

t. filthy tarnished

Why is his castle such a destroyed shithole? Don't the servants even bother to clean up a little bit?

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I mean to be fair he does get it.
Comatose barely living shota bussy is still shota bussy

The names of the demigods are letter coded based on the parents
G = Godfrey / Marika
R = Rennala / Radagon
M = Marika / Radagon

Goldwyn the Golden is the son of Godfrey the First Elden Lord, who’s hologram you fight before Morgott. Godfrey is also the same person with the lion stand that acts as a rage inhibitor so he doesn’t go berserk and start fucking shit up.
> Radagon is the last boss
God, I fucking wish he was.

The absolute state of the "demigods"

Malekith is Marika's half-brother.

You just invented half of that lore because souls games don't actually have lore and everyone pretending they do are just gay and retarded.

Please disregard this post cause whoever typed it is a complete retard that either didnt play the game, didnt read the lore or both.