
What changed Any ForumsRos?

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people evolved and the genre didnt

I want to go back Any Forumsros

endgame meme destroyed the journey

modern MMO communities think the only way to play them now is to treat them like a slightly more convoluted clicker game (PvE) or an esport (PvP), with a wiki tab open at all times and a hotkey to report someone for any reason

I don't believe anyone actually played MMOs like top picture

If given the opportunity, people will min-max the fun out of everything.

you grew up dumbass. wah wah wah why don't mindless activities entertain me for hours any more. because you're not literally 9 years old

There is no hope of roleplaying in mmorpgs. The closest you can get is a roleplaying guild, and even then those tend to self destruct due to drama from the higherups. You get this trivial bullshit where nobody knows how to play a non mary sue charcter so everyone is either "COLDSTEEL THE BLADEMASTER" or "suzie~" and both refuse to have their character do anything but win every situation. It's much easier to do roleplaying in a single player game because it's only you. I never played with the other kids as a boy so I might just be weird

normalfaggots weren't on the internet and mmos were about adventure and escapism
now, they're geared for profits, normalfags demand instant gratification, can't stand being punished for fucking up, everything has to be "balanced", wikis and datamining ruined all sense of mystery, and so forth, oldschool mmos were lightning in a bottle just let it go

you're all retards

dont reply to me ever again you faggot cocksucker.

wouldnt normalfags not even know about wikis?

>look ma i replied to everyone!

Developers started implementing mechanics that generate more revenue rather than mechanics that improve immersion and fun.

Min maxer/excel spreadsheet fags ruin every game. It's why I'm a firm believer in all stats being completely randomized at all times. Therefore the player never expects a standard # of dmg so they can't just game the system and they can't be upset because the weapon never provided a clear baseline of damage.
Fuck excel spreadsheet fags you can't play a single game anymore without them finding the mathematical best gun in a shooter or best weapon in an rpg.

Wow classic came out a couple of years ago. People still min-maxed the shit out of that and it became pure cancer. Modern design is more conducive to this shit, but every system can be abused. Wikis and Guides have killed the MMO genre.

Even if everything is randomized, minmaxers will find a way to perform the game as efficiently as possible, minimizing risk at all times.

That's brilliant user, except people would just reset until they get the stats they want.

No sense of community anymore, good luck meeting people might as well play with NPCs now.

Once you get good at MMOs and the novelty wears off it just feels like you're working a job more so than playing a video game.

MMORPGs became jobs so now people care more about being efficient and dismissing everything non essential as useless. Thank God I dropped RS as soon as EoC got announced.

these are kind of true, how does one limit the minmaxing/spreadsheets? I think in single player games it works by simply having the players have a less fun time while doing that, less adventure, less mystery, but it's not really a cure, it's a symptom, I'd personally want people who minmax so much to chill out and go blind once in a while, not sure how to

You grew up
The magic of MMOs is gone for you now
Sorry user

>wiki page has the stat spreads of everything in a few hours
>everyone just grinds for the best one anyway
As long as there is a best one it will be grinded for, just like IV breeding in Pokemon.

It's literally not possible. As long as having better items and stats gives you a benefit, people will spritesheet minmax the game.

You have to either randomize the fuck out of it which basically makes it some kind of a roguelike, or you have to remove the possibility of minmaxing in the first place, for example you can pick one of X preset character builds but can't customize or upgrade it.

i don't understand why dismiss how someone plays the game. if someone wants to take the information they're receiving from the game and refine it how is that wrong? people only get mad about this shit because some random asshole who doesn't understand that min/max situations only apply to those exact situations tries to spew the meta when they shouldn't. you're also dumb for not understanding this and just brushing them off.

the proliferation of social media made way for meta-gaming to become the dominant playstyle when conversing about games online, and as a result games lost their luster because everyone is too busy minmaxing.

Also shit like betas and PTRs ensure that games or updates are already "solved" by the time they're released with 100% of the information available online.

That's why week 1 of Elden Ring was so magical, and why 90% of threads talking about it now are just troll fests or people bitching about meta gaming (Mimic, bleed/eclipse build, etc etc)

So did Third-person RPG action with co-op games replace MMOs then? Dark Souls 3 can be played with co-op almost the whole game, plus organic exploration, plus 90% of items need to be earned by being found or pilfered off a dead enemy so min-maxing is impossible unless you've already reached near the end if the game.