Elden Ring Lore

Who the fuck are outer gods and what are they scheming?

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They want control.

>all this shit about the Elden Ring, Elden Lord, Erdtree
>no explanation what any of this shit even does

What, all three are explained

Does the game ever say what this "cursed blood" actually is? It says that Varre was the only white mask to be able to cure the acursed blood. Is it some affliction brought on when Mohg entered the pact with the Formless Mother?

Another thing, does the game ever say what an 'Omen' actually are? They seem to be a separate race, but why are they all copies of bosses?

Omen are "cursed" babies with horns growing all over their bodies that are cast out or killed. There's an item descriptions saying that being born with horns used to be a sign of being touched by divinity before the time of hte Erdtree but with the coming of the Greater Will and the Golden Order it's now seen as a curse. Omen seem to come as twins which are another bad omen thing from D's armor description

Elden Ring story is shit and the cinematic is the worst From Software ever did.

Explain to me right fucking now why do the sheep roll?___________________________________________________

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>get the lightning ram ash of war
>makes you roll around like the sheep

>Outer Gods
Alien entities that want to usurp control of the lands between.
>Elden Ring
The ruleset that governs the lands between. For example, the rune of death was left out of the equation which made everyone essentially immortal.
>Elden Lord
The Lord consort of whoever happens to be the God of the lands between at the time.
A tree that grew as a result of all the memories (remembrances) of the deceased, which eventually brings the dead back to life in the end.

Erdtree was shaped by the GW.
The original form of the Erdtree was the crucible from which all life sprang forth.

>Elden Ring
The manifestation of the Greater Will as divine Law; what is referred to in-universe as Order.
>Elden Lord
Consort to the steward of the Elden Ring - Marika, in the case of the Lands Between. In reality, both are indentured to the Greater Will.
A physical manifestation of the Greater Will's parasitic relationship with the material plane, formed from the primordial crucible. The souls of the dead return to the Edrtree and are reborn in accordance with the Greater Will's Law, with the exception of Those Who Live in Death (the undead) and possibly the Tarnished. In effect, the Erdtree is the dynamo that powers the Greater Will's designs on the world.

So Melina is probably Numen herself, and a black knife assassin, right?
Possibly Gloam Eyed Queen.

so there was an Omen born for every demi-god you think?

Rolling is the best way to get away from danger after all

Melina doesn't look like a Numen, you can make one in character creation

I don't think so, I just think Mogh and Morgott are special. Probably tossed in the sewer as babies and Morgot awakened his rune to prove he was a descendent of Godfrey and Mogh found the Formless Mother and decided to try to start his own dynasty.

Besides those two the only Omen we see are the fat asses like the Fell Twins and their generic versions

fuck me the lore of this game sounds so shit!

I've only made it up to the forbidden lands but I've noticed the amount of burnt out trees looks to be equal to the amount of gods that have been murdered in the past.
I don't get the story, I spent most of the time thinking Melina and Malenia were the same person.

oh right yeah forgot that morgott was RPing and only used 5% of his power when you first fight him.

But why are there 2 mohgs?

because it's cute and it's funny

Which areas do you think the potential DLC might go for?
The land of the reed? The past? Marika's homeland? The coliseum's in the game are probably gonna send you there somehow with how they are clearly designed for something, yet are inaccessible currently.

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>The land of the reed
Isn't that just Ashina from Sekiro?

So why do the greater will need Marika to marry an elden lord?
Why can't it rebuild a ring since it's created it in the first place?

Trying to understand what those who live in Death means. So essentially everyone is immortal but must be reborn through the Erdtree? And those who live in death are those who are reborn but do not return to the Erdtree? Does Fias's ending just imply the return of mortality or are people still immortal but don't need to be reborn from the Erdtree?

I honestly have no clue why there's two Moghs. Margit/Morgott makes perfect sense but who the fuck knows about Mogh

Greater Will and hte other outer gods don't seem to be able to intervene directly. They all use some sort of proxy like an empyrean to enact their orders.


There's just a lot of duality
Two Godwyns
D and his brother
Miquella and Malenia
Margit and Morgott
Irina and Hyetta
Two Mohgs
Marika and Radagon
I have no idea what it means though

Yeah, skeletons and ghosts and such that died but didn't return to the erdtree. Fia's ending I think means that death returns to the Elden Ring so all these undead can finally know peace. Marika taking the death rune out fucked up all sorts of shit.

Miquella is the one demigod we didn't kill

So basically when Miyazaki realized GRRM wasn't writing fuck all he rushed a half assed story by mixing dark souls and bloodborne's lore?

The moon
I still want my moon level. A real one, not muh underground city

I feel there is some kind of contrast in there always.
Something like Godfrey->Loux.
Things not really being what they seem to be, essentially everything fucked and twisted because of Elden Ring.


It will probably be a new location never mentioned before and will add more questions than answers like always

Diallo ends up being about his brother too. The Juno Hoslow you kill is most likely Diallo cosplaying his brother after killing him, that was the dark path he had to go down the whole time that he knew he shouldn't.

so how come rennala is the only demigod who doesn't "die" when defeated?

shabriri holocaust

>A source that gives rise to Those Who Live in Death.
>The beast clergyman, found at Bestial Sanctum in the distant east, collects and devours these roots.
>On the night of the dire plot the stolen Rune of Death enabled the first Death of a demigod. Later, the Rune of Death spread across the Lands Between through the underground roots of the Greattree, sprouting in the form of Deathroot.

So deathroot gives rise to Those Who Live in Death, as in it gives them their power? It allows people to use Deathroot, to use the physical manifestation of Death in order to revive? or resurrect people without Grace? And that they're antithetical to the Divine Will/Golden Order because it can kill demi-gods.

Why doesn't Ranni look like Malenia or Miquella? Aren't they sisters? She's an empheryan

She's a doll. Her real body was left behind.

Why do outer gods care about a tiny ass island?
What about the rest of the world?

She's a doll you fucking dolt.

Rune of Rebirth.
Ranni is a puppet made by selivus with her soul put into it.

I am tired of eldritch
of Locevraft
of "AHHHHH HELP ME" horror

I just wanted ayys

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OK but WHY is the elden lord needed
is it basically like a kingship? a title everyone respects and swears fealty to? then it makes sense

Ranni is Rennala and Radagon's kid

Oh I can see that, though it would be nice if it still manages to provide a somewhat conclusive finale like the ringed city did, I don't want Elden Ring to be a series in light of the recent Famitsu interview, FROM and sequels don't mesh well.

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>WHY is the elden lord needed
The Elden Lord is basically a prop set by the outer gods to oversee the planet and keep the cultivation going, it's really just a bog standard Xianxia story.

Not even that much, Elden Lord is a consort, he is not ruling monarch. The loyalty is sworn to the queen.
But I assume it's because Elden Lord is a direct vessel for the Great Will, which it can control.

Yeah but it managed to make the elden ring no? Why can't it do it again
And why does it need for Marika to get married? What's the goal?

The second phase isn't her fighting but Ranni's magic protecting her adopted mother. Since you got the Rune, there is no point in killing her.

>being tired of the gods of ayy lmaos
user that's retarded

Greater Will descends to Elden Lord to demi-gods. As you get lower on the rungs the entities become more baseborn and their aims aren't entirely aligned with their grander astral version selves.
Elden Lord is required to set a baseline ruleset or all these things that can manipulate reality with agency will ruin everything in time, like they have.
Its another patented the system has been extended too long Miyazaki special.

What's with the eye shit between Melina and Ranni? Are they the same person?

I'm confused about the rune of death
If stealing it made everyone immortal then why do the demigods die when they're killed? Not only that but why are npcs dead too after we kill them? Seems like the immortality thing only works for us and all the enemies

Should I go for Duskborn or Perfect Order, bros?

>do sellens questline
>decide to ally with her why not, i'm already this far in
>oh rennala is gone? wtf
>come back and rennala is back and sellen turned into some abominacion