Has a game ever made you cry from how difficult it is?

has a game ever made you cry from how difficult it is?

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Real life.

>crying over artificial difficulty

If you look like a chad or stacy, you are not actually living life.

That name is familiar and i'm not sure why, and I dont want to let the Twitter screencap thread win by googling it

>have friends who backseat gaming her all the time
>still struggle with the game

wow modern days suck huh

Nah, I'll leave that to my sons. All 7 of them. The oldest (age 4) just finished potty training, so he's basically a man now.

I'm sorry but if this makes you fucking cry you should kill yourself what the fuck. "N-NO THE GAME WON't LET ME WIN"

How weak do you have to be to cry because of a game? These fuckers clearly didn't face any hardships during life, so the minimum amount of stress breaks them.

Online fighting games made me feel like that

>people who started later beat it
Did they get an early access copy or something?

Streamers are not people

Elden beast or malenia

pump more into her champ

If they're crying because they feel worthless in a video game they have major narcissism issues and main character syndrome.

>These fuckers clearly didn't face any hardships during life, so the minimum amount of stress breaks them.
Welcome to the consequences of the whole anti-bullying campaign thing and participation trophies.

>filtered by elden beast
fucking lmao, it's a shit fight but goddamn

ok, Cletus

Post the vid already.

>twitter screencap thread

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I recent times I played Devil May Cry 1/2/3 the collection, the Vergil vs Dante fight was brutal. I suppose I could grind and become more powerful for that fight, but I just got filtered and went to play something else. Sucks because I wanted to then play DMC4 but I was kinda thinking I should finish the other one first. Then after reintalling Windows I lost my DMC3 saves anyway and I don't want to play all that again just to do a single boss fight

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Imagine you're at work stack boxes and there's this one box thwt wont stack. You panic because the people watching you are just like "bro its a box, dont be retarded" and you feel like yourr making a fool of yourself. So you try to press on, saying its just a box, but the damn thing wont stack. Like its defying physics to not stack, you cant wrap your brain around it. Now people are starting to talk shit about you. Your credibility, destroyed. All just because you couldnt stack a box, and worst of all you still cant figure out why.

Any game I can beat is good any game I can't beat with minimal effort is bad simple as
I dunno why you'd unironically let this shit affect you personally IRL

I've always felt a little shit for being bad at video games but never break down and cry tier
I blame growing up on jrpgs. no skill involved, no competitiveness just mash x to bring number down.

>check profile
>"useless bisexual" in bio
>"happy women's day to all trans women"
>tweets about mental health
yeah, that fits

>thinks getting to the end of the game is a race among streamers for some reason
>only played to say they beat it without enjoying the journey like a sane person
Marks of a narcissist. Some people go absolutely bonkers when they lose at video games, surprises me they were even able to get to the final boss.

don't care
don't care
>shitty op image
don't care
>dime a dozen: has x ever made you x from x
don't care
>entry level tier ""difficult"" games
don't care
kill yourself and apply harder game genes into your pools upon respawning faggot

>Chadagon of Golden Order
>artificial difficulty
Probably one of tamer endgame bosses

Just use a mimic tear. A cosmic whale that runs across the huge map every 10 seconds isn't worth your time.

If you've never done this you're a normalfag and do not belong here.

Why would you ever post this to the Internet?
>I'll get back to Elden Ring at some point next week, that last boss is kicking my ass.
That's all you needed to say, why the fuck are you spilling your guts out to Internet strangers?

We're expecting twins this time. I'm afraid that one might be a girl, but it's no big deal regardless. I'll teach her how to do manly things like fix tires and shoot rifles and so on. She'll be a brute just like her mother. I'll need to buy another fridge because the other one we have is filled with breast milk.

Cry at videogames some more, brother,

of all bosses to break down crying on, Radagon/Elden Beast? It's a pretty basic fight compared to some of the other bullshit in the lategame
do blue checkmarks really?

Bitch tears

>I've always felt a little shit for being bad at video games
Why. I don't understand this mindset. No one is born with an inate ability to play video games perfectly, this isn't an anime.
Losing is productive, you learn more from losing than winning.