Basic game mechanics make no sense in lore

Why are starving merchants always willing to buy anything from you with an infinite budget of runes?
Why would runes even be accepted as currency since you need not only to be a tarnished (which they aren't) but also have a maiden to turn them into stats?
Why does the player character get to respawn forever and other tarnished don't?
Why can a rat or dog stun me with a zero windup bite attack when i have over 100 poise???
What the fuck GRRM...

Attached: elden ring.jpg (2048x1052, 196.42K)

I am convinced GRRM's work was to make a mythos/lore and he did so and then Mitsubishi-san decided "ehhh, sound alright, stick it into the Dark Souls template machine lads, call 'em runes and graces instead of souls and bonfires".

They should have tried something different with currency, for example. If you could have healing gems and flasks in DS2 then why not stat points and money points in ER? I am no purist, I would welcome it in.

Honestly they could have kept the gameplay exaclty as it is but have it actually make sense like in Dark Souls (most of the time).
It could have been so easy to write the lore around the game systems but no, they had to let that fat faggot write up a bunch of bullshit so they could market it to everyone that watched that shitty tv series.

GRRM did practically nothing, at most he wrote like 5 pages of overarching lore and peaced out, he is outspoken about the game now because it wound up being a massive success and he wants some of that attributed to him.

I am no GRRM fan but I would forgive him here. I think they had him do the world building and lore and then layered over it with Dark Souls 4. It should be built in tandem though DS1 works cos the world is bleak and cursed and so the experience is an endless struggle and bleak itself.

Elden Ring should have been more trad RPg. Settlements, non-hostile patrols and people in the environments, more centralised merchants and services. in a hub town that isn't some silly hub area like souls games often have. Instead, it is cursed and makes no sense but we are supposed to believe it is a living breathing world.

>Why does the player character get to respawn forever and other tarnished don't?
Because you have the gift of grace, potent enough to see the guidance of grace still. Very few people can really die in the Lands Between because the Rune of Death was carved away from the Elden Ring, and so without that Great Rune death was lost in the land.

>Settlements, non-hostile patrols and people in the environments, more centralised merchants and services. in a hub town that isn't some silly hub area like souls games often have
You are asking too much from a Japanese game, even more one funded by Bamco.
That stuff you listed costs money and a lot of development time.
Maybe in Elden Ring 2 but they would have to recycle the map, and no one wants that.
When the company giving you funds is cheap af like Bamco, you have to cut corners where you can.
It's no wonder why the games with Sony's and Activision funding (Bloodborne, Sekiro) are the ones with the most dialogue lines, cutscenes, original OSTs and such.

>Why are starving merchants always willing to buy anything from you with an infinite budget of runes?
They're Frenzied Flame cultists, the world is gonna end anyway and would rather help a Tarnished rumored to become the next Elden Lord
>Why would runes even be accepted as currency since you need not only to be a tarnished (which they aren't) but also have a maiden to turn them into stats?
Runes run the world user. The Erdtree was planted by the Greater Will for a reason user
>Why does the player character get to respawn forever and other tarnished don't?
You have the Greater Will's approval / Marika shenanigans
>Why can a rat or dog stun me with a zero windup bite attack when i have over 100 poise???
Because fuck you

I can get that shit in other games, kindly fuck off and stop trying to make ER more like other games

people who want Fromsoft kino can't get it anywhere else. if you dont like it fuck off

based, lets make fromsoft games the japanese fifa. any attempt at anything new is pozzed sjw trash.

>grrm is hired to write background lore and a bunch of characters
>fromsoft takes it and puts it through the dark souls template because its all they can do
wtf grrm you hack...,,,

no, they did a ton of new stuff. Just dont want it to cater to nitwits like you who want it to be a generic 'modern' 'rpg'

Why don't they respawn if they don't really die?

why did merchants accept souls in dark souls?

Adding some towns and stuff to break up having to do dungeons all the time isn't gonna make it a generic jrpg

GRRM is a hack, he probably didn't do anything aside from lending his name

lmao take your cunt pills already lol

Because they're Tarnished? Nta.

>You have the Greater Will's approval / Marika shenanigans
Yeah the Erdtree doesn't let you in and then Marika's literal other half/the vassal of the Great Will itself try to kill you because you have their approval. Makes sense to me.

Literally all GRRM did was write the opening cutscene (essentially word for word) and write a short little blurb about the history of the world, and the history of the dozen or so names it drops in said opening cutscene.
That's literally it. It amounted out to a page and a half text document.

They do respawn you retard.
Other than bosses, for gameplay conceits, practically everything else respawns.