ITT we create boss fights for the inevitable DLC

ITT we create boss fights for the inevitable DLC

>Godskin quartet
>Crucible Knight (final form) and Black Knife Assassin

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I hate watching that spear nigger bounce around all smug and shit. Infuriating.

Five of those fucking giant Gargoyle things and you're not allowed a summon.

notRadahn and notMalenia duo boss
Fallingstar Beast + Fallingstar Beast Knight/Sentinel
Boss that turns your spirit ash against you
Boss that can spam 2 Moonveils
Boss that summons equal amount of invaders to counter Host and his friends so it's a legitimate 2v2/3v3

>reskin of stray demon
>reskin of sif
>reskin of bell gargoyles
>reskin of ds2 giant
>reskin of ruin sentinels
>reskin of four kings
oh wait, they already did that.

An ordinary Goose who honks at you and can stunlock you.

in the DLC every mob will be a crucible knight or Ulcerated Tree Spirit and you have to kill them all to proceed

>10 gargoyles
>6 crossbowman
>not Margit shows up to fight when you win and says something pretentious.

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>2 Crystalians and a Black Knife Assassin fighting everyone
>But the Assassin is meant to get stunlocked and killed by the Spear Crystalian's jumping spam attack and has WAY too much health than it should if you kill the Crystalian's before he dies

>3 Sword/Shield Crucible Knights
>1 of which starts with access to his phase-2 tail/angel wing attacks

>2 Fat Godskin's

>2 Stonedigger Trolls

>2 Onyx Lords

>3 renamed Demi-Human Queens

>Clusterfuck of 2 Fire Giant's fighting 10 trolls

2 Leonines and dungeon sweeper contraption

FIVE crystalians

Which one could be collectively called The Dirty Dozen for their boss fight?

How do you even fight the black knife assassin?
He's invisible and has that grab move that takes away most of your hp

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Four kings but elden beasts

Two Malenias

Malenia and Radahn together

Who's the 4 kings reskin?

Radahn but Malenia instead of horse

One of the nomad traders in Leyndell sells a special torch that reveals assassins.

I assume it's the Godskin Duo since they keep respawning until the boss bar hp is depleted just like 4 Kings

Twelve tree spirits.

It's either a godskin dlc, or a bloodborne dlc
either way, aliens

erdtree avatar and ulcerated tree duo

oh boy I can see that happening

>go into a large underground ruin
>fight an elden beast as you go up an elevator
>mysterious voice monologues at you as you continue going through the facility
>fight duo elden beast
>go down another elevator
>fight elden beast seraph

Two Malenia's and an invisible black knife

summons can see the invisible assassins :)

i want to fight a spirit of prime radagon or radahn. like they did with godfreys spirit before actually fighting him

>Godskin quartet
more like the Fourskins


three golden godfreys.
ulcerated tree spirit with 10x health and damage but its name is death prince godwyn

>ulcerated tree spirit with 10x health and damage but its name is death prince godwyn
fucking lmao

also has a delayed double AOE that oneshots after phase 1