Elden Ring Lore

Okay, I agree that Gowry isn't directly father to any of Malenia's kids, just an adoptive father who raised them all as part of the worship to the Scarlet Rot Goddess stuff. Those kids are definitely hers somehow though, even if by an asexual reproduction thing.

What else do I need to fix about this? Maliketh is outright stated to be Marika's half brother in his armor, but never stated which half. Just gonna assume her mother's side.

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If real world mythology is any indication, it would be related through Marika's father.

It's always the male gods who end up creating horrific monsters when they do some crazy shit like shapeshifting and having sex with animals.

That's how creatures like medusa, the minotaur, and a bunch of loki's offspring all got created.

But in Elden Ring, godhood is a feminine trait.
The Empyreans all seem to be women save for Miquella, but even Miquella had a male "consort" forced on him with the intent of Mohg getting an m-preg dynasty. There's also some sexual shapeshifting going on with them though considering the Radagon stuff.

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I can't help but laugh when I remember they tried to hang Dung Eater...with metal chains. He probably didn't even starve to death for a while with all the shit they're flinging at him too.

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user, they succeeded.
All those bits were from when the grace came to those tarnished in death.

I actually still don't fully get the revival stuff honestly. Like, why does it seem like we're the only Tarnished that can be reborn infinitely?

Godrick is said to be several generations down from Godwyn which is why he was weaker.

They succeeded in killing him, not hanging him. Do you realize using unbendable metal chains defeats the whole purpose of hanging?

>There's also some sexual shapeshifting going on with them though considering the Radagon stuff.
Could be that when someone approaches godhood, they transcend the concept of gender.
Malenia came close and she looks like she's becoming really masculine when her clothes burn off

because the tarnished brought back all either have the potential to become a lord ((You), hoarah loux, arguably gideon) or the potential to create a mending rune to fix the elden ring.

Oh really?
I missed that. I just assumed he was Godwyn's brother and super weak/sickly compared to him.

I wonder if that means Godefroy is like Godrick's father or something.

Gameplay contrivance just like multiplayer. Don't think about it too hard.

Yeah, Gideon I think says something to the effect.

>I actually still don't fully get the revival stuff honestly. Like, why does it seem like we're the only Tarnished that can be reborn infinitely?

It's said in a couple places that some characters / demigods never stay dead. Eventually, after some time, the remembrances stored in the erdtree will respawn them again.
It's basically just the will of the erdtree to bestow grace on whomever it wants.

Are Margit and Morgott the same person? If so, how'd he come back?

margit is an identity of morgott that he uses outside of the capital. if you skip the margit fight and kill morgott, the margit fight doesn't happen.

Apparently Morgott can Agent Smith small fries into his copies

>The demigods are each and all the direct offspring of Queen Marika.
>Godrick the Grafted was but a distant relation...
>The runt of the litter, his divine blood sorely diluted.
Yep, checks out.
I guess he must be decended from Godwyn then given the name, right?
I can see about rearranging it so he's like below Godwyn with some other line.

Margit is like Morgott invading you using the bodies of commoners.

I'm thinking the erdtree constantly respawning people is something like the cloning system in Xenogears, how there's numerous copies of Fei and Ellie all over the place.

Margit is a failed copy of Morgott
Mogh the Omen is a failed copy of Mogh the blood lord
Godrick is a failed copy of Godfrey (he had his lion grafted to himself)

etc etc etc

This chart is wrong. Godrick wasn’t a direct descendent of Godfrey.

What's the logic for this?

Is the Margit fight skippable?

Okay, anything else I missed?
I thought of putting Fia as Godwyn's spouse, but not sure if that was actually official ever or if she was just there to die with him.

I imagine it's not quite that degree. It's more that Margit never actually died in the first few instances. He was doing something else to have like a fake presence there before and only at the Erdtree do we fight the real one.
Same goes for Mohg Omen, he's just a fake/projection.
Rykard never dies specifically cause of his snake shit. He just regens.
Blaidd and Maliketh don't die because they're "shadows" (not sure why Blaidd does die when he goes mad though).

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>What's the logic for this?
Apparently some anons claim he shows up and transforms one of the soldiers into a Margit near one of the Capital graces, though I've never seen it.

yes you can take a hidden path that skirts along castle stormveil to liurnia.


Yeah, when you're running through the field to the capital, there's a random skinny dude (the kind you find in the castle, like what Gostoc the gatekeeper is) and when you approach it Margit suddenly starts talking and the guy poofs into him for a rematch out in the field you can do.

Gideon is the adopted father of Nepheli if you are going to get into more detailed families.

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>Is the Margit fight skippable?
Stormveil is skippable by going on the cliffside path next to it.
IIRC You can fight Morgott as your third actual boss by going through the Cliffside village in Liurnia that bypasses the Dectus lift (which means fighting a Magma Wyrm boss) and then going through Leyndell to fight Godfrey.

Where does Melina fit in this? Surely she's a demigod as well?

So confirmed Outer Gods similar to GW

>Dark Moon
>Rot God
>Blood God

Who else?

btw the name is Mohg, not Mohgwyn. The latter is the country he's planning to build.

Eh, I took Gowry off cause he's only the adoptive father of Malenia's weird offshoot kids.
Nephili only barely makes it up there just cause I wanted to get all of Godfrey's offspring in.

Actually, I'm not sure if the game actually has a line in it now that mentions the connection for her, though obviously it is there in the name and how she introduces herself the same way Hoarah Loux does (and obviously the cut end of her quest where she becomes lord of Limgrave due to her connection).

She seems like she should be another kid of Marika, but nothing really confirms it in any way.

Oh that makes more sense. I was wondering why there were two different things being said with him at times.

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Does the game clearly say what Rya is the daughter of?

gowry, millicent and her sisters are weird. they were born of the scarlet rot infesting caelid, but apparently if you attack gowry and fail to kill him in one hit he'll turn into one of the rot pests and tell you he's basically a hivemind.

Snake and a woman.

Can someone explain to me why my cute mage teacher turned into a disgusting ball of faces?

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Melina visually looks like a counterpart to Ranni, fights like a Black Flame Assassin and was born "at the foot of the Erdtree".
She's got an interesting backstory somewhere in this mess but we're not actually given everything we need to get it.

The Rykard snake or just a snake?

Formless Mother is the blood god fucking with the Omens, particularly Mohg.
There's also a God of the Dragons that Placidusax was connected with when he was Dragon Lord.

Yeah, but another user posted how there's a point where he directly says he found Millicent in the scarlet rot and made her his daughter from there.
He's presumably like a leader/force of the Scarlet Rot similar to Shabriri is for Frenzy Flame. Malenia's children are likely "seeds" that came from her bloom alone, that Gowry found and grew to try and get more.

Just a snake


Also anyone else notice the Mask of the Father in those faces.

She tried to kill the goddess of rebirth. The goddess of rebirth won.

Omens are just mutants from GW mistake. Dung Eat is a mentally ill omen who has a normal body.

Nope, got a screenshot?

Probably a creation of Marika
Marika's own words given to us by Melina: "O Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order. Thou'rt yet to become me. Thou'rt yet to become a god. Let us be shattered, both. Mine other self.""
Looks like Marika absorbed Radagon into her.
I think she absorbed the Gloam-eyed Queen after Malekaith defeated the Queen, then used the Gloam-eyed aspect along with fragments of Ranni's soul to create Melina, which is why we see Melina with the Gloam eye and blue eye in the Frenzied Flame ending.