The "cooler" railgunner

the "cooler" railgunner
anyways ror2 thread

Attached: railer.png (607x608, 480.47K)

Railgunner feels like shit playing by yourself, the game doesn't work well around a character that wants to be far away from enemies to shoot them while shit spawns right on top of you.

Without the right items her mobility is shit tier too.

>reach wave 101 in simulacrum
>enemies don't spawn even after several minutes


Learn to grenade jump and her mobility is better than most characters

>m1 scales for absolute shit past stage 2
>m2 is fun but awful for clearing groups of enemies
>all the new enemies shit on her
>entire gimmick is oneshotting bosses, if you want to use her alternate m2 you might as well just play double rebar mul-t who does everything she does but 10x better
I like her but holy fuck is she bad

I like her but she is very glass cannonish. She cant defend herself against large groups unless she has some kind of aoe item

You can still use her special if you really need a fucker dead, but her inability to random crit also puts her at a disadvantage the longer a run goes and the more you need to rely on proc chains to wipe the screen

Honestly the Void Fiend feels just as shit to play.

I can't even manage to get passed wave 10 on monsoon. Too overwhelming and you are split between health regen and dps. Most of my runs have been shit too as I havent gotten any good combination of items.

Everything wrong with Risk of Rain 2
>rushed out console port during early access, putting an end to hotfixes and smaller patches between large ones
>incredibly shitty item pool with way more bad items than good
>scrappers are just a bandaid fix to the shitty item pool
>All survivors play and build the same mid-late game, there is no unique identity between characters past the beginning of a run
>every single main boss follows the same formula of powering up at low health
>Mithrix is an awfully designed final boss that punishes the player(s) for playing the game well, with Hopoo doubling down on its design in the face of criticism
>Unique artifact unlock requirements replaced with the same generic challenge for all of them, AKA more laziness
>Half of the artifacts aren't fun or engaging to use anyway
>One-Shot Protection is another bandaid fix that doesn't even work most of the time
>Elite enemies, particularly malachites and celestines, eventually turn into damage sponges regardless of how built you are
>locales in general feel empty and featureless when compared to the first game
>Randomly nerfing survivors and items unnecessarily
>Putting a pricetag on future content updates, despite the game still looking and feeling like an Early Access game
>Void field has become nothing more than an afterthought, it's only use is for acrid, going there for items is never worth it due to how difficulty scaling works
>Eclipse is a waste, modifiers aren't fun, not even seeded
>some survivors STILL missing alt ability unlocks that were planned since the start
>a good chunk of the items in the PAID DLC are lifted from mods, Railgunner is basically the Sniper mod under a different coat of paint
>fire debuff was made OP against players to promote a self-insert red item
>too lazy and incompetent to keep up with patch notes so they just stopped
>Artificer, who has long since been considered by the vocal community as awful, has still gone completely ignored
Feel free to add to the list

Attached: ror free dlc.png (663x575, 68.26K)

If you so wretchedly seem to hate this game I don't know why you entered a thread about it.

I still have a lot of fun playing it alone and with friends even if I have cursed runs.

Attached: this fucking guy.webm (600x255, 187.2K)

That mode is made for swarm+sacrifice

only like 4 of these points are somewhat true
this shitter actually thinks the game has more bad items than good ones

I don't understand what that png is supposed to convey?

Why are items unlockable on drizzle/with artifacts? Feels cheap

I feel you but I can't say why myself. Its not like it matters if you unlock it in drizzle or monsoon but I personally just feel like I cheated myself by playing on those modes

we are not starting this meme that railgunner is in any way shape or form bad, literally just hit your shots and grenade jump everywhere.

yeah commando and artificer are also not shit tier because you can just land their shots lmao
unironically commando is a lot better in the update but you get the gist

no, literally hit your shots. you literally one/two shots every fucking enemy in the game up until the first loop and at that point you are scaling off your items.

>spawn on stage 1
>no chests to be seen
>just two void pools, a few turrets and a mountain shrine

>first stage on a loop
>void seed with some beetle queens and a titan in it
>titan shoots it laser
>immediately run for cover
>still get two stacks of crush and die a few seconds later
Cool game, Hotpoop. I can tell you spent a lot of time fine tuning it.

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so just "get gud"