She's the new hardest FromSoft boss right? She has to be

She's the new hardest FromSoft boss right? She has to be

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I can confidently say I'm only stuck on phase 2 now. Just another five hours and I'm sure I'll do it.

I beat her 2nd try

Only if you purposefully cuck yourself with the "you didn't beat the game if you used X" mindset. The player character in elden ring is more powerful than ever with an arsenal of weapons weapon arts magic and even spirit summoning but people still try to play it like dark souls 1. She's as hard as you make her yourself.

Just Comet Azur. Her 2nd phase was literally made for that.

she's only hard if you're a faggot. If you're straight you beat her like this user

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I've been fighting her for hours and still have not seen phase 2 why am I so fucking bad at video games

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Radahn was much harder for me
probably because I didn't have the mimic tear

>when you first go into the boss room and she immediately starts remodeling your asshole the second the cutscene is over
White woman jumpscare.

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I am malenia. Blade of Miquella

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Bloodhound's Step and Barricade Shield trivializes the fight even for unga bunga builds, but also turn it into a total slogfest of poking and dodging/blocking while managing stamina.

She's a joke. Just use mimic tear and she dies instantly.

I think there's some recency bias. She's almost definitely the hardest in ER, and probably top 5 in the series, but I still think Orphan and Isshin hold the top spots. To this day I still cant beat Orphan without viscerals, phase 2 is just crazy.

Yeah, she currently takes the title for hardest boss in all of FromSoftware games. And one of the hardest bosses ever made in general.

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none of the other fromsoft bosses took me nearly as many tries as malenia
they are all easy as shit compared to her

Orphan and Isshin have nothing on her, homie. Malenia without summons is the ultimate test of skill in a From game.

>FromShit anything
are her hitnoxes that bad? the hardest part of any From Shitware game is getting them to run like a proper game should which they don't. technical messes, all of them, since 7th gen

No? i killed her on my third attempt. Yet Elden beast took 5.

Isshin bell + charmless is harder

Does she know Mohg molested and killed her brother? If so, why is Mohg still alive?

She a bitch

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No, she just filters braindead retards who can't think to run away from her barrage attack and roll back in for the last jump

>mimic tear
acquire skill


Depends. If your goal is to fight her in the same way you would be fighting shit in other souls games, i.e. no magic, shields, etc. then yes. If you use all the tools the games give you then probably not.


Cringe, why even bother. You got a cool great rune and little achievement. Congrats. You didn't grow or learn anything. Push yourself user.



no the Draconic Tree Sentinel before Maliketh is

Shut up, bitch. My mimic tear is my bro.

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I just want to say thank you Ryu Hayabusa for carrying me thought this fight.
Thank you for reading my blog.

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I found him easier than SL1 Tree Sentinel, at least he doesn't one-shot you.

i kinda feel bad beating her using blasphemous blade. she didnt stand a chance

i'm level 7 and i've seen phase 2 three times

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Guys how the fuck do I beat Maliketh? Hes over the top aggressive, not a moment to rest or hes on my ass.

scrub mentality lol

Weapon with some decent reach will get you past him. If you don't have that then just get your mimic to +10 and let him work.

She makes me hard

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Phase 1:
His long horizontal sweep is reliably punishable by a single attack.
His overhead knife stab into the ground (looks very similar to the beastclaw version but it's the other hand) is reliably punishable by a single attack.
Nothing else in P1 is reliably punishable because he can cancel into his stupid double-slash with no startup.
Phase 2:
He has a slight combo where he does a low horizontal slash into an overhead slam. Neither of these hit you if you're right under him, that's your window to hit in phase 2.
Nothing else is really punishable.
Yes, this fight is slow and dogshit.

her second form reminds me of orphan of kos