For Honor no longer a goner! Cross-Play will be implemented next week!

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> Knights, Viking and Samurai
> Adds chinks that are either dogshit, autistically screech or have some broken mechanic

cross play doesnt exist because consoletards turn it off after they get owned by pc players

Peacekeeper best girl.

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>they don’t even bother to put in effort with their pandering and make the CHINESE pirate hero the start of a new faction
>nor do they give them a twin melon hammers heavy or a jian fencing assassin.
>As well as ignoring the shitton and kitchen sink of weapons Chinese used or messed around with

I’m a samurai devotee on the end, but Jesus did the Vikings and Wu Lin get fucked over in the roster terms. I mean we barely did much better since four out of eight of our heroes are just “lol! Katana!” But still.

Tiandi is fun as fuck to play. I don't even hear the screaming anymore, I'm too used to it.
The only yelling that still annoys me is Jorm's

Sounds fair btw. 60 fps controller users against infinite FPS mouse users

Did Jorm get reworked yet?

Cross-Play won't be forced on you, you can turn it off or on.
No lol. Conq gets a rework first for god knows what reason. Shaolin too though and dare I say he deserves it more than Jorm because he has been useless for longer

Kind of weird with Shaolin since I always heard he was one of the only Wu Lin with “a complete move set” and “felt finished” when marching fire was released.

but i'm already crossplaying every day.

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>just want to play the campaign in co-op
>none of my friend want to try it

Are they going to unlock the FPS on consoles? Cause if not, they will be mined by PC players.

Side note: fucking hate the game became a gay slap fight of unreactable attacks. Now it's just 3D fighting shit with 0 sense of strategy.

Theoretically Shaolin has almost everything in his kit and yet he sucks. No opener though

Oh yeah lmao
I thought it was some fanart shit when I first saw it.
Nobody thinks of fucking chinks when they hear "Pirate" lmao
Been a vikingfag since the start, but the faction war is beyond a joke nowadays and only has relevance for what shape you want your emblem to be.
Tiandi is alright, they ironically stand out by being average since everybody else is either shit or gimmicky other than the fat one.
Shaolin's screeching though is fucking nails on a chalkboard.

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They want it to feel more like a fighting game. You have to make reads all the time in fighting games based on your character knowledge and the way you have seen your opponent play said character. Once you get used to it, it kinda works. The problem that remains is that some characers just have way less options to choose from in their kit than others which makes them way easier to read

They took my minion kill animations
I am not longer interested

Will this bring people back to the game?

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That's kind of why it feels like shit and why I hate that they made lights basically unreactable (since they hide 100ms of the animation and indicator now). It technically gives everybody an opener, but it's also shit cause some animations just weren't meant to work like that and look janky as shit and throw you off (see Highlander defensive stance lights)

>Nobody thinks of fucking chinks when they hear "Pirate" lmao
I mean, nobody thinks of Vikings when they think of “pirate” but they were pretty much pirates. Piracy honestly has a pretty low bar for entry really, you need a body of water, a vessel to move around on it, and to commit crime. Doesn’t even have to be strictly nautical crimes. Japan has had fuckloads of pirates (one crew got so powerful they forced the Shogunate to recognize them as a legal daimyoship), one of the most successful pirates in the world was a Chinese pirate (got off from her crimes Scott-free, got legitimized and was made an admiral, died happily of old age and probably flipping the bird), and Julius Caesar was kidnapped by pirates in his youth and offended because their ransom was “too small”. I think he also entertained the pirates by telling them his literal fanfiction about him going on an adventure with Heracles. Yes, Julius Caesar actually wrote a self-insert fic.

>The new exeuction is literally a brutal beat down with bare fists, kicking the guy on the ground multiple times and then spitting on them as they die
Wtf... this unironically feels a bit much. I decapitate my opponent like every other fight and that still doesn't feel as wrong as this. Maybe it just reminds me of the various recent policenigger brutality videos from around the globe too much

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>Still no crossprogresion

Fuck off

Just restart
High rep is embarrassing anyway

I agree it's very brutal but when female heroes do it it's quite hot