What exactly did he do? Elden Ring is basically the same as any other FromSoftware game in story...

What exactly did he do? Elden Ring is basically the same as any other FromSoftware game in story. Most of the inspiration is from berserk in terms of the appearance too. Everything is vaguely implied and visually represented. What story and world did he actually help them create?

Attached: George-R.R.-Martin.jpg (1200x799, 322.2K)

bran ate jojen

This man took over books, tv, and now videogames. Is there anything he can't do?

with the amount of times this has been asked and answered (especially from the fat man himself with numerous articles written about it) you'd think you'd stop seeing posts like this by now but no guess people like OP are that retarded

wrote dung eater, the numerous shit-based items and made all the gods incestuous

>make a list of common western names
>now add an "i" somewhere in each bravo germ

He gave them manuscripts of some basic shit he wrote years ago and miyazaki just worked off that and did what he wanted to the world and characters
Godrick's entire backstory sounds exactly like something martin would make, for example

He named all the characters whose names start with G, R, or M

Leave the dude alone?

>dung eater
and you niggers are never getting winds of winter either

He set the tax rates.

tried googling it retard? he wrote the lore before the shattering.

do you think he ever worries about getting bits of fecal residue stuck in his beard when he's eating dung?

I can see him in the big family clusterfuck with Rennala, Radagon, Marika and Gorfrey

He programmed the guard counter and ashes of war mechanics

Fia and Boc seem like quintessential GRRM characters from what I've played so far

He named the characters and some places. That's it. That's literally all he did. His name was just a selling point lmao

Miyazaki interview from ywsterday answers your question

I just checked the wiki, Marikas lore is like 2 paragraphs long, where she fucked a dude and then fucked herself, and then smashed the fucking elden ring because why not? also she had like retarded inbred children with herself.

John C. Wright is a better writer.
George Rape Rape Martin is trash.

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>Sunset found Melina squatting in the grass, groaning