Elden ring rate thread

For me it was about a 9/10 up to malenia, after it became a 6/10 and now it's at 4/10. There's just too many glaring issues, technical and design wise. I'm not really looking forward to doing another playthrough because there's so much useless space to cover. I hope they return to their roots.

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I like it a lot, every time you think they can't outdo themselves in terms of zone or enemy design (leyndell, Godrick, Rykard) something even cooler shows up (nokstella, haligtree/pretty much the end of every questline) right until the end. I'm 100% convinced that people pushing the 'game really gets worse halfway through' narrative are either burned out because the game is pretty long or disingenuous because some of the objectively best shit is near the end.

Technical I get but what design issues pulled it so far down to a 4

limgrave and liurnia are 10/10
caelid, altus and gelnir are 8/10
leyendell is good, everything after it is shit

Consider me filtered. I look forward to Nioh 3.

I hate horse camera control. Is there a button to look directly behind you? There should be.

Game is 10/10 start to finish.
People only are biased towards green forest starting zones because they're safe and familiar looking

The giant mountains and snowfield suck
Haligtree is asset reuse up the ass with only Malenia being a standout
Farum sucks outside of Malekith
Godfrey and Radagon are great, Radagon sucks
But after Morgott I just wanted the game to be over because the magic of the first 40 hours had worn off
Caelid didn't even have a legacy dungeon and Gelnir and Altus are mostly empty space

This isnt need for speed

the last half of fromsoft games are almost always worse than the first. lost izaleth looks for instance is just completely unremarkable.

This is what Im hearing from everyone now. Even the r/eldenring circlejerk has started to criticize the game because the second half is just to utterly terrible and indefensible

Easy 9/10, it seems people get filtered by the mountain/tree area, you fucks suck lol.

Whats wrong with it beyond enemies actually scaling up? It just filters the shiters

Repeating bosses ad nauseum, heavily depending on a loading screen which crashes often (this is also a bit technical but still), quest lines that make no sense, boss design is subpar and heavily designed around ashes. Most of the areas near the end are extremely linear. No real new combat mechanics.

Yah, but this is particularly bad. Theres not a single enemy who isnt a reskin. Its the worst balancing in the entire From series. You can have 50 vit and 50 str and still take 6 hits to kill unflinchable enemies, while only being able to take 2 hits yourself

>Rat from the first half of the game and rat from the end of the game are the same enemy but one arbitrarily hits you for 1/3 of your 50 VIG HP

agreed but most repeats are optional content you did yourself
No crashes here
Quest lines are the same shit in all souls games, how is it different?
What do you consider not subpar boss design? Are you new to this series of games?
No? How is it designed around ashes at all?
No, not a single area is linear outside maybe rot lake. Which are are you referring? Tornado area and halig tree are both pretty huge level wise.
It literally has the most variety and combat options in any game before it, what?

Late game really filtered a lot of you faggot huh

Yes and? Thats what games do, they get harder closer to the end

Trips of truth

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yeah usually with actually distinct enemies

>It's another episode of drones excusing bad work by claiming everyone else is an unskilled homosexual
Love watching these same children completely fold when thrown against a game that's difficult while still being mechanically sound

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Im confused, maybe you just need to get good? If you stopped at only 50 for your prime stats, you are doing it wrong. Most people at end game should be well over level 120. Also, did you try, you know, trying other weapons?

>It's optional content so you cant complain when that's 90% of the game just open world filler
holy shill

For me it was 10/10 up to fire and ice regions. It then went to a 9/10. I then beat the game and started invading and it went to a 12/10.

No? Name a single game that keeps up with the amount of variety in Elden Ring of a similar genre.