This is the worst boss of video games

This is the worst boss of video games

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how many times are you gonna post this?
It's not the worst fight when Godskin Duo exists.

so many worst boss fights in elden ring that it loops back to being kino fights

whoever decided ulcerated in a tiny ass room is a sadist same with who ever said yeah lets make the abductor virgins a double fight is a nigger

Attached: ulcerated_tree_spirit.png (1270x720, 1.27M)

>9% of Players have the Valiant Gargoyles Acheivement
>14% of Players have the Astel achievement
What the hell? How?

I am completely, utterly, undeniably filtered by this fucking shits. I am this close to uninstall this fucking garbage and start another sekiro or ds3 run.

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just come back later

dont they give you the mimic tear in the same area? 2v2 them

Once you figure out his patterns Astel is easy. I farm rune arcs off of gold summons for him.

Yeah, but the area Astel is in is past the Gargoyles. Unless there's an alternate way there I don't know about.

Using summons? Give me back your gamer card!

>can't play multiplayer from my game crashing (not even during multiplayer games)
i'll get you niggers for this one

The difference is Astel is at the end of the area and the game sort of funnels you towards him but the gargoyles are super easily missable. I didn't even know they existed until some user talked about it when talking about Nokron.

Astel isn’t past the gargoyles, it’s past the lake of rot. Gargoyles go to fia and the lichdragon.

You don’t need to beat the gargoyles to get to astel, although you can technically take that path if you don’t know another way, is what I’m saying.


He’s also the one boss that everybody and their mom’s want to beat for ranni’s questline.

Ulcerated Tree Spirit is pretty easy even in a tiny room, it just looks really awkward. His attacks are still well telegraphed though, especially by this game's standards where near everything has a weird delay, Ulcerated Tree Spirit does delay his attacks but never to the ridiculous degree some bosses do. It's just a really janky looking fight because you have so little space that you have to roll right into his tail smacking you in the face but you're still fine, and he's constantly clipping into the walls.

The fact that the poison cloud staggers you made me seethe, this game has too much cheap bullshit

You can get to the area past the gargoyles by going through the secret most bottom part of the sewer.

Two gargoyles is such a cakewalk compared to malenia, holy shit i am seething from her flurry

just use summon ashes or something who cares anyway, also you can almost fuck up the first gargoyle before the other comes in if you fight it in the corner left from the door

Wait you don't need to fight the Gargoyles if you're doing Ranni's quest? What the fuck, where am I supposed to go in Nokron then?

Anyways the Garglebros were one of those bosses where it was easier to fight them with 0 summons. My death counter was 7 with summoning, 3 without.

I don't identify as chud, chud

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git gud

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You didn't beat them.

Did anyone else find the coffin in deeproot depths that takes you to ainsel river main? I'm not talking about the coffin after the gargoyles. What's the point of it? Just a way into Ainsel River without going through Rennas Rise?

>git gud
>Black Flame Blade

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You just need to get the treasure for her. If you go from the grace near all the things you need to light up for the ancestor spirit rematch you can turn around and drop onto the buildings and follow that down to the big temple to get it. Then you just need to go back to Ranni.

Black flame blade is pure garbage though. It lasts 3 seconds.

The thing you're looking for in Nokron for Ranni's quest is located not far from the Ancestral Woods grace site. Look for some rooftops and ledges to parkour down. The thing you're specifically looking for lies in a chest located under a massive stone throne.

Cope. This isn't DS anymore, rollnigger.

Abductor Virgins are funny though. It's like playing Mario Kart online, you just sit back and laugh at the chaos. It's pretty hilarious when you roll out of a knock down at the perfect time to get grabbed and eaten by the other one. I was laughing through most of the fight.

You should try the one in the Scarlet Rot lake on a fucking tiny island.