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Is this your first thought?

Attached: Elden Rang.png (2732x1535, 3.37M)

i dont think

I CAELID first so I'm too OP\

How did people know what to do in Elden Ring?

well the first place I went was the church and I looked at the tree and was like "wow big tree"

I did a 180 and went directly south and just happened to find the best ash of war (barricade) and the best weapon (claymore). Completely unprompted and unassisted with third party guides, mind you.

My first impulse when playing any game is to immediately attempt to go the opposite direction of where I am being guided. Usually results in some kinda treasure.

no my first thought is to spin the camera around and look for secrets

Right after I saw this I quickly exit the game, saw that my game time was 40 minutes and requested a refund because I'm not playing Dark Souls 3 again for $60.

This is a reach. First thing I did was turn around and explore behind me.

Nah my first thought is "time to plan out a search pattern because holy fuck that's a lot of ground to cover" and start running in concentric circles

I dig the visual guidance though, they've been working on that for years. I'm replaying OG Dark Souls right now and you can see all these things in their primitive state.

>first place to go
I completely bypassed the church due to "First obstacle" and opted to head east. That ended up linking to the major road to the stormgate. Didn't even know there was a site of grace in the church until after Stormveil. Actually had to buy the lone wolves and summoning bell from the twin sisters since I completely missed Ranni's first encounter.

>Is this your first thought?
That the person is a retarded pseud trying too hard to create a breakdown of the visual direction at the start of Elden Ring who's trying to make it seem better laid out than it actually is.

I didn't notice the church at all and ran up the coast to avoid tree sentinel

I actually missed that first church and never got the summoning bell and progressed so much that I had to buy it myself from the roundtable merchant

anyone who missed the first church, the chance they are brown is very high.

I've blown away any mental faculties I had with alcohol abuse.
I don't think much at all anymore.


how were you supposed to know to go in the painting

ok brownie lover

>another soles rehash

I turned around to explore behind the statue and got side tracked for about 30 minutes before coming back and touching that first grace.

turn around 180 and look for items at the end of a random cliff behind the building i just walked out of

>first place to go

I 100% ignored that church at first and explored around the tower I was at. Saw the birds and left a witty message then the big block thing to th eright of tree sentinel after getting my ass handed by him a few times. First enemies I fought were the pack of harpies right there

Because you're a dumb nigger that doesn't read item descriptions of key items