The quality of elden ring drops when you get to altus plateu and straight up nosedives after the capital

The quality of elden ring drops when you get to altus plateu and straight up nosedives after the capital.

Why did this happen? Why is no one talking about this?

Attached: 1646737586093.png (1320x1900, 1.71M)

The quality of elden ring improves when you get to altus plateu and straight up skyrockets after the capital.

How did Fromsoft do it? Why is no one talking about this?

The quality drops after Godrick.

Do you get any items if you kill that boss you‘re supposed to die to at the start of the game

the capital is the coolest place in the game though

>Why did this happen?
because there is no longer a point in exploring, it's a bunch of areas disconnected from the rest of the landmass and it's just 5 bosses in a row

>why did this happen
The second half of all From games are trash, bloodborne being the only exception
>why is nobody talking about this
Only a small handful of players will ever make it that far, 90% of people ditch soulsborne games after a few hours

Don't care, post Melina. Post about Melina.

Attached: melinasmile.jpg (896x504, 41.99K)

Yes, but you can go back and kill it later too

>Why is no one talking about this?
because it's not true

You can actually go back there in the same play through through a warp you don’t have to go through the game and meet him again on ng+, and yes he drops two things

The capital is really cool. Also Malenia’s area is nice. The snow area fucking sucks though.

cause ur noob

Haven‘t played the game yet but i can‘t wait to murder this whore

Nobody is talking about it except discord trannies trying to force the "second half is bad" meme because they're grasping at straws.

97, cope.

>Like 50 vigor
>Get to snow area
>Get hit once
>Lose half my hp

After capital vigor and armor stop mattering because everything takes off a colossal chunk of your HP. Invest it into other stats. Literally do not even bother trying to make yourself tankier, it does not fucking help.

The game has always been like this. I recently went though DS1 for shits and gigs and duped souls for fun and even at max hp you’re only going from 2-3 to like 5-6 hits

It must be really shit, cuz I got bored roaming around Limgrave trying to find something fun to do

>botw's quality tanks when you leave the plateau
>elden ring's quality tanks when you get to the plateau
wow... beautiful...

They didn't thought many people would make it past stormveil (they were right), so they just copypasted stuff and did some pallete swaps for the rest of the game.

So Queen of Rot is just bugged right? There's no way it's supposed to be like this

>Why is no one talking about this?
Most are FoTM and don't get that far user.
Games shit btw.

>get late game
>enemies are stronger

Astel is so close to being a great boss but too many of his AoEs are WAY too big.

you can go there before you get torrent if you dont mind walking alot

Ruined by her ugly eye tattoo.