So we're all in agreement this is the most kino cod right?

So we're all in agreement this is the most kino cod right?

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zoomer alert

no that would be either world at war or black ops 1

I want to go back to Modern Warfare 3 online.

i've played every cod on release since cod 2 up until around advanced wafare

Black Ops III killed CoD

this is black ops 2?

Can we agree it was Modern Warfare 2?

Of the golden age:
bo1 > waw >= bo2 = cod4 > mw2 >= mw3
Ghosts is a significant step down from mw3 in multiplayer but has extinction to compensate a little. Everything beyond that is dogshit. Yes, even bo3 with zombies being the worst offender

I know you stopped at the right point.
Black Ops III was a travesty.

But Stalin had no need for heroes. -> secure the keys-> train jump is the best

kill yourself

This. Say what you want about cod as a whole, but realize that bo3 was one of the worst games ever produced period

World at War.

How the fuck is Blops1 in any way better than WaW?

You posted poop ops 2 instead of Chad Warfare 3. I'll ignore your mistake user cause that's what brothers do.

killed what?

bo1 is waw with more content really
For multiplayer, you have relatively the same ttk but a wider selection of guns (and some weird ones like ballistic knife and crossbow), pro perks, killstreaks, maps, etc. imo the maps are better on average in bo1. What waw has over bo1 is the war gamemode, extremely soulful announcers, and slightly better feeling movement
bo1 zombies has all the waw maps minus the sticky zombies and 7 other maps
The bo1 campaign is more kino in story but lacks mulitplayer and deathcards

Ghosts is the most underrated CoD and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

when you include zombies chronicles then it's the best zombies game at least

-Halo 1 was the only good one
-COD was never good past World at War
-Battlefield was never good past 2142 and Bad Company 2 was just a mediocre console spinoff

If you state otherwise you're younger than 25 and Reddit/Twitter/Discord human garbage whose opinion is worthless gutter fucking trash.

Blops 3 had the best coop/campaign, bar none.
It even had split screen and a zomvie campaign.

Fuck the mp fags who hated the gadgets.

call of duty died with ghost

Literally no
Gumballs ruined pub matches
Latency + zombies hitting too fast ruined online in general, at least you're given a chance in older games
Gumballs + overpowered gumballs ruined high rounds, fucking little timmy can get to round 100 by camping in a corner with a storm bow
Zombies' new pathing + bulkier hitboxes ruined training, rather than it being a natural activity that could be done anywhere if good enough, specific routes need to be taken. a strict nerf to good players
It doesn't matter if you put some of the best maps ever made for the mode if your game plays like shit