Comfy Elden Ring Thread

I'm almost at the end after like 80 hours and i'm not sure if i will do another playthrough like every dark souls since the game is crazy long. Are you guys already in your second playthrough?

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Elden Ring is a stupid name.

>Get summoned to fight a boss
>Host doesn't fight boss
>Host finally kills boss and I don't get credit as I die
I'm going to start leaving the world of lazy hosts.

>since the game is crazy long
isnt the latest speed run 49 minutes?

does anyone know if you can get the brother corhyn version of the prophet robes (the one with the wheel)

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I’m at a paralyzed with indecision moment because I can finally respec and want to but have no idea what to change into. Had been massive faith pump build before. But I’m tired of the scythe and kinda want speed. Not sure if daggers, claws, fists or something else though

just let the boss aggro on them if they're being a lazy passive nigger looking for a carry

Glitched speedruns mean nothing on the length of a game.

what's your level, Any Forums?

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When I was doing co-op for Margit and Godrick hosts are willing to jump in, when I fight Rennala they decided to stay 100 feet away the entire fight in Phase 2.

Are there more Aspect of the Crucible spells? I have Tail, Horns, and Breath, can you get the grab that some of them have?

After hours of grinding I am level 100 with 4p VIG, am I ready for Lyndell?

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I've never played a FromSoftware game period. Fantasy doesn't really appeal to me because there's no guns.

Fucking moron

40 vig is overkill for Lyndell

>get to Death Rite Bird in frozen hell
>being an absolute faggot like all deathbird variants
>suddenly falls off an edge and dies instantly in one attempt

You literally get 10 respec items for free if you do Ranni’s side quest. Don’t sweat it, man. Just pick a weapon with a weapon art that seems interesting and pump points into the appropriate stats.

I think those are the only three.

I got raped by rhadan so I needed high health and dont see any point upgrading it further

have you forgot to take those meds???? theres so many fucking sequence breaks, optional shit, you don’t need to spend anywhere near the same playtime as NG, I fucking hate how this country has failed the mentally ill

I just got to Liurnia and did a bunch of BS there. Right now it feels a bit overwhelming but I guess it'll be like Limgrave and start feeling smaller once I start clearing out stuff.

Also did the dungeon next to the tutorial area and wow, this was really unfun. Like DS2 tier X chalice dungeons turned up to 11. At least nothing else was that bad until now.

finished at 155
50vig, 45ish mind, 70int
if you use moonveil you are a faggot

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Damn, after I found the Frenzy grab I was hoping there would be more grab spells.

Beat the game at 140ish
150ish after doing some of the side stuff I missed before NG+
If I replay I'll probably just start a new file and beeline to the shit I wanna use the most for the run

I guess I just genuinely don’t know what sounds fun. From games always drive me crazy with builds because I overthink what to invest in. And I also fall into the trap of feeling like vigor and endurance are cop out stats

Are there any Cracked Pots or Ritual Pots in the areas after Mountaintops? I'm 19/20 and 8/10 but I found all of the Perfume Bottles way earlier.

Anyone get and try out the flowing curved sword? It has crazy cool slightly gay looking r2s where your character twirls in place theatrically with them as if they're dancing. I'll definitely be playing around with it a bit.

There's like one dungeon that gives like 3 of each that's stupid, it's the one that gives the jar ashes too if you haven't found it yet.

Wait you guys go past 120?

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I still need to explore Nokron and behind Volcano Manor

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Yeah I've gotten those already. "Soldjars of Fortune" or whatever shitty pun they were called.

>full int
>calling other faggots
You have no rights to say anything, retard-kun.

Eventually bosses start giving you 200000-400000 runes. Gotta do something with them.