I bet Square Enix is going to go all-in on Forspoken...

I bet Square Enix is going to go all-in on Forspoken. They invested so much money developing the Luminous Engine over the years and they're gonna want to make that money back. Expect this game to get the mainline FF marketing treatment.

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It gonna bomb hard

It will still flop because gamers are racist

That's a better cover than the other one

And with Forspoken they are going to win the sales bet

It's awesome

Sum up what this game is about in ten words or less

no shit retard it's a AAA game what the fuck did you think they were going to do

Nah, if they cared about this game they wouldnt have put those prices for it. This is just another test run for how much they can jew us out
plus the game itself looks like a demo for a new engine

Gameplay looks cool.

why is she covered in poop?

black on the cover

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LmaO even

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Cute* black girl on the cover in an isekai setting*. Prime monster porn material.

At least the main character is cute

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be careful about criticizing this game, mods delete threads and posts if you do.

Also things which are anti-racist typically choke on cock

She clearly has white features, her actress is pretty much white too

>elden ring comes out
>babylons fall crushed
>horizon crushed
>uhhh forspoken is delayed cause uhhhh needs polishing

theyre willing to throw ff origins to the wolves but not their globohomo shit. at the very least they considered delaying both but realized they cant do both else it would be obvious and people would get upset, so they chose the game with more budget and marketing, the game they paid game informer to come make a cover atory about.

ita glaringly obvious this is their darling project and are tryIng everything to protect it and make it succeed. which makea me hope it burns and crashes more than ever, but you just know journalists are goIng to plaster it with 10s just like deathloop.

Sadly, the in-game model looks nothing like her.

user, you need to grow up and realize that a cute female is a cute female. If some guy claimed she is cute because she has Italian/Jewish/Romanian features, you'd scratch your head.

you know id actually enjoy it if they went all in like that martin lawrence movie black knight.

imagine 50 cent from blood on the sand isekai'd into a final fantasy game. then again ff origins is pretty close to that

Not a single Square Enix game has met their expectations for probably 2 decades now.
And you just know they need this one to sell 200 million copies to break even.

user, your perception of beauty was ruined by modernity
go to a white neighborhood and go to a gym

you are welcome

ffx was good

>pretty much white
If your not the color of an egg your not white. You will mever be white no matter what media scream or how loud some woman screeches

The constant marvel quips form the protag in every trailer really turn me off.

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This is why I hate every aaa game

>white features

This is such a fucking cope. What good are "white features" when your skin is still shit brown?

Woke shit for fags and twitter trannys

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She's half Polish.

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t. mutt

>From the minds that brought you FF15
Shit was doomed before they revealed a single detail about it

oh yeah then how come they didnt use Luminous engine for FF7R?

And deathloop still flopped, no one gives a fuck about journos and their worthless opinions

It certainly is. The official one is the dullest thing ever

>ESG Financing: The Game

Ps4 and PC couldnt handle it

dad genes working overtime there

The environments look so boring. No care or detail.

>no one gives a fuck about journos and their worthless opinions
smart people dont. but there arent very many of those