256 MB Ram

>256 MB Ram
What were they thinking?

Attached: ps3.jpg (700x385, 25.14K)

>pc ports needed 4 times more ram than that
they were based

>save file goes over 1000mb
Looks like you're finished your Skyrim and New Vegas playthrough, nothin' personel, kid.

You'd be lucky to still have a working save file after 20mb

Lucky PS3 patches are prety small as having to download each one at a time in the foreground is a real ass.

The power of cell

QUESTION: I want to get "Gotham Knights", but only have a PS4.

It's for both PS4 and PS5, but does anybody think they'll be a noticable difference between systems?

They weren't thinking

>Jailbreak it
>It still isn't my all-in-one Sony machine since it can only run a small portion of PSP games and PS2 games

Attached: mgs4 gun in mouth.gif (520x293, 3.36M)

Yet it still played games better than the Xbox and some games were actually better than on the Xbone. The Cell processor was a beast and it's too bad Sony went off the shelf for the PS4. Luckily the PS5 is custom again and even uses faster storage than a PC can use thanks to it's IO pipeline being better.

fun fact
the first PS2's off the line were literally just Pentium II's slapped in a black box

>some games were actually better than on the Xbone
>even uses faster storage than a PC can use

Attached: shrak.gif (376x362, 74.53K)

new vegas goty literally can't handle being played more than 15 hours and fallout 3 goty completely fucking breaks if you do most of the main world content then start anchorage

Attached: THE POWER OF THE CELL.jpg (1280x720, 146.05K)

What matters is performance it can deliver and the PS3 failed to deliver. The games tailored to it like TLOU didn't look much better than end-of-life 360 games while everyone was painfully aware of multiplats being a minefield on the PS3.
Same with the PS5, while the I/O is impressive on paper, it doesn't deliver better performance than PC. Sony did the right choice when going with off-the-shelf as nobody has interest for optimizing for unicorn architecture anymore.

>trying to finish lonesome road as the game becomes a slideshow7
Ah good times


The PPC processor in the 360 and the Cell were nearly identical and both pathetic for gaming due to the lack of OOE. Don’t kid yourself.

Its still using UE4 so not really

>this image has almost 2kb more than the actual mem card
How did they do it?

Attached: N64 meme card.jpg (497x339, 26.81K)

>He doesn't know about all the PS3 games running at 20 fps

Attached: 1642910203159.jpg (600x536, 80.54K)