Seriously the most fun I've had on the Switch so far. Thanks for recommending these, boys

Seriously the most fun I've had on the Switch so far. Thanks for recommending these, boys.

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What a crime, to play such good games on such a noob platform

who the fuck recommends doom to someone? not that they're not good, but if you have any interest in this type of game you definitely know about doom

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>playing doom without m&kb
>playing doom on console
>playing doom on SWITCH

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I had fun with it. Maybe its better played on PC, but they were on sale and worth it and played great on the switch. No glaring issues I could see. It was challenging and fun.

Of course I knew of it, but it was just never for me. I mostly play rpgs and turn based games. This was a fun challenge.

DONT BUY saints row 4 on the switch
Holy shit it looks And runs like ass

Any other Switch ports that are actually good?

I tried to play the first on handheld mode and couldn't do it. Good for you though.

if they can make doom run on graphing calculators I guess it was inevitable they would get it to run on the switch

Dying Light, Witcher 3 and Crysis are the top tier ports where the resolution Isn't absolutely butchered.
AC Rogue/Rebel collection also looks bmfine but has some frame drops.
Most other ports have major frame issues or absolutely dogshit resolution. Darksiders 2 was disappointing as fuck, was worse than the 360 version.

Yeah I tried playing in handheld mode and couldnt, so this was played entirely on the TV.

Some games are fine in handheld, some are better played on tv

Anyone here buy Dragons Dogma Switch?

Is the port good or pass?

It's good. Obviously you're giving up modding and 60fps though, and a few outfits. The pawns are still active.

I forgot to add it was worth it for the fact I could play it in bed.

The only thing they fear is him.

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Based, enjoys games regardless of platform

2 of the best games on switch

Seriously, how was this port so good? When I first heard of 2016 and eternal coming to switch i snickered, thinking it was impossible. But instead theyre actually really good. Something that I did not think possible. When I played them there was no slowdown or frame drops where I thought there would be.

Doesn't the resolution suffer? Like sub 720?

I didn't really notice it if there was. It's not like i was back to fighting classic doom imp sprites.

I guess if youre used to doom played on an overclocked watercooled PC with settings cranked all the way up you may notice a difference, but for plebs like me It definitely felt like I was playing doom.

I will say the one big drawback I noticed was the joycon control sticks are not as accurate as a mouse, but that didnt matter nearly as often as you think it would. There were a few frustrating moments I can think of though.

Doom on switch supports gyro

rape console