Grace is 2000000 km away

>grace is 2000000 km away
>also 2 boss fights plus pvp in front of the game
thats why people call this a shit game

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she's very squishy. you would know if you didn't ignore any damage scaling stats to pump fucking MIND and VIG

>that health bar
>dying to the easiest boss in the game
This is bait

>that healthbar and fp that early in the game

she isn't going to let up, but I guess you are

>that HP bar at Rennala
nigger, what? What fucking level are you?

Also her first form is piss easy lmao, it's a gimmick. And her second form has literally 1 attack to worry about (the fast blue bolts that can one shot you), the others are slow (can legit stagger her out of her boomerang, her massive beam attack can be dodged by simply sprinting right and attacking her when she casts it, her summons can be ignored).

If you're filtered on this boss, then just give up bro. Unironically.


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kill yourself eldentranny

I summoned the dogs.

die kraut

lmao cope seethe dilate

awful bait thread let's try and turn it around, what weapons are you using bros?

rennala is fucking easy holy shit how can you be this bad

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she was easy af

out of all the bosses you complain about this one? oh boy

he's probably using one of the soreseal talisman things which causes you to take way more damage the higher level you are, with the trade off of having higher level stats.

Actually one of the better bosses because it actually focused on establishing an atmosphere instead of being another le spazzy anime combo man

>dying to the Pinwheel of ER

Seethe nigger. If you die to the moonbitch with that amount of HP you need to GIT GUT and stop beign a little bitch.

ngl, I kinda died to her more than I did Morgit and Godrik lmfao. These cringe gimmick bosses always have me more hesitant in my playstyle because I expect bullshit.

Turns out, the best way to kill her was just spam rolling through her blue orbs/arrow thingies and bonking her over the head with my STR item

I agree I just wish the first phase wasn't such a meme

Just say that you like easy bosses you can first try you faggot

Just summon the wolves after her first beam attack and spam bloody slash. That's all you need to do. The wolves will stagger her. Get behind her and bloody slash till she's dead

Shut up gay

What's even better is once I invaded someone and somehow got teleported to phase 2 of the fight and wiped them.

end dein leben, penner
no offense

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>grace is 2000000 km away
Did you not open the shortcut? It's a 15 second run from Grace to the elevator if you do.

They always have a stupid swarm fight. They at least made it strange.

How the fuck?

I kinda played the game wrong and ignored stormveil, beat magma wyrm makar, fucked around in Altus Plateau, only came back to finish Stormveil and then Raya Lucaria after I did a couple of the smithing stone dungeons, so I was super overlevelled and geared up. I don't even know what Rennala's phase 2 deal is because I literally killed her in a few seconds, she has zero poise and not much health.

What the FUCK are you doing to be malding on one of the easiest fights in the game? Especially with THAT MUCH HP, which makes me think you're also overlevelled. Margit and Godrick are both way harder than her, how did you even get to that point?

Died to this bitch once, then figured out you're just supposed to pressure her before she can get her summons out.

>dying at fucking rennala

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Rennala is the easiest major boss in the game, the sole threatening part of her moveset is her basic ass homing arrows since they flinch you to death if you flub the roll or get too greedy and get caught in a recovery animation.
>that much HP on your character
>still losing
You're not even getting filtered by her summons with Rennala still having that much health left. Just summon your wolves and gangbang her.
>>grace is 2000000 km away
You have 2 easy ways to access her. Either open the door leading to her elevator, or explore a bit and disable the ball trap to just walk right up there.
The most frustrating thing about Rennala is when phase 1 glitches and becomes impossible.

>open thumbnail
>try to read that shit, tbought I was having a stroke

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How does it glitch?

Sometimes the girls that you have to hit to break her shield simply don't appear and it's literally impossible to win. It might just be a coop thing, but it happens in like half the fights I help out with.

kill yourself, mentally ill, nigger anus tonguing, shit eating eldentrannies

The corpse runs is ER are chickenshit compared to the ones in earlier Souls games. Way to expose yourself as a normie.