Is it still fun?

Is it still fun?

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Better than every other tranny mmo right now so yes.

no. play ffxiv or lost ark

play p99

Do people actually play it? Is it any fun?

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dead as a doornail. just a few hundred raidlogging 40 year olds who play sixteen hours a day vpning on 4 accounts across 2 servers. pointless. a completely empty world unless its somewhere youre getting dkp.

Don‘t believe this retard. Probably desperate to keep anyone playing

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yeah its pretty fun
its a 20 year old mmo known for being hard as fuck, 800+ on weeknights is what a mid to high pop server would be back on live

Retailfags ruined tbc with their arena boosting garbage and megaservers. Fresh is ruined because they didn't address class balance/loot/pvp grinding issues and only listened to retards who thought getting rid of world buffs would magically fix every issue. Wrath will inevitably be ruined by day 1 wow tokens, cash shop, and whatever autism they come up with about racial changes

It's made me think that the ideal Classic experience would be a dedicated realm with like only 200 players allowed, 100 for each faction. Maybe even less. Obviously the economy would not be inflated from farmers at all, players would have to rely on each other to generate gold, crafting, and wealth.

And honestly if you didn't want to raid, it would be even better with literally just 10 players. Alone against the world, you are not strong enough to face the dragons or most powerful enemies, but you can rely on each other to gear up, clear dungeons, and build a small reserve of crafting/wealth to get through the journey.

The final ingredient would be simply not letting any of those reserved space go to chuds. The most difficult yet vital ingredient.

>200 players server
That's shit. The appeal of classic is precisely a living world.

you'll need a new MMO for that. the only thing Classic is good for now would be to simulate a true RPG style adventure with a select group of friends or trusted people.

No, Classic is still full of people. 35k pop on my server

Play FFXIV and suck it up or Lost Ark until you have to actually "pay" then move on. WoW is dead

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I mean I mostly like WoW because I enjoy its lore

the lore has been fucked for over a decade

I did too but holy shit the lore is so fucked beyond redemption that it doesn't even matter anymore. I enjoyed it when it was somewhat good and i'm leaving with that.

Which is exactly why Classic is great. I don't play retail

i like the comfy open ended game play of wow, even retail, its better than a 300 hour linear cutscene filled story quest (ff14) or p2w korean mobile garbage, sorry. wow combat is more fun than lost ark and it's not even close

Why even play an MMO for lore when you know it's fucked, you know what's gonna happen even if you play classic forever. Seems like denial to me

>why enjoy a game you enjoy
user, just because your brain is wrecked from playing retail for 15 years, don't attempt to destroy someone else's enjoyment

If OP's enjoying it, why ask for validation?