Why did you let me die? Yes my company was having financial issues...

Why did you let me die? Yes my company was having financial issues, but you completely rejected me soon after the year 2000. Was I really not that fun for you?

Attached: Dreamcast-Console-Set.jpg (4540x2200, 1.96M)

amogus controller

I bought one in 2000. It was kino even back in then. But once the ps2 came out I and everyone else has no choice but to go with what we all knew would be a superior console.

as a kid i didn't even know that sega existed. i knew of nintendo because of gameboy and pokemon, but aside from that in the early 00s where i lived videogames was literally synonymous with playstation

I legitimately wanted one after playing my cousin's Dreamcast. I didn't know they stopped production or else that would have been my gen 6 console of choice.

Why’d you let me steal games so easily, nigga?

Had one and adored it.
JSR, Sonic Adventure 1&2, Skies of Arcadia, Crazy Taxi, Toy Commander, Shenmue I&II, Soulcalibur...
No console had the right to be this based.

Even if Sega didn't go bankrupt, would the Dreamcast even be able to keep up with the more demanding spec multiplats? The PS2 and Xbox launched which were much more powerful than it

I played the Sonic game at my dad's friends house and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

I got my for christmas 2001 with like twenty games. At first I was disppointed because I wanted a gamecube but ended up loving it and it ended up being the last console I actually enjoyed playing. I was also able to get games for like 3 bucks at alot of stores which were phasing them out.

To be honest I think it could have. Only because if the Xbox came out I don't think it would have made that big of an impact with the Dreamcast still existing and SEGA not spreading their games on all of the consoles. It would leave the GameCube as the most powerful console (even though it's hampered by disc space limitations). The only problem I'd have seen would have been the controller's lack of a second analog, but in old SEGA fashion they probably would have released a new controller for the Dreamcast and called it a day.

the dreamcast was equal or better than the ps2 in most ways except for ram and GDs vs DVDs though

Bro the vast majority of people on this board were born after the Dreamcast came out.

Pinning the blame on a board full of millennials (who were not even old enough to have jobs) and zoomers is laughable.

I was born in 96.

The switch, wii, and wiiu prove that your console can be massively outdated and still get multiplats. The dreamcast wasn't even that weak compared to the ps2, which was the console all multiplat games used for their baseline since it had the largest install base.

That's not even true. The last year of production was the best year ever for the dreamcast and it was still trending upwards, the problem was they would've needed to push impossibly high numbers to get out of the debt they were in already. That's why they quit the hardware market.

But yeah it's not my fault.

Bought the system 2 controllers, 2 VCUs, 1 high capacity offbrand mem cartridge, 1 offbrand rumble pack, import light-gun, eventually the Chromestick arcade controller, and the following games, in this order; MvC, Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi, Soul Calibur, RE Code Veronica, Capcom v SNK, HoTD 2, Grandia 2, bangai-O!, , DoA2, MVC2, Shenmue, RC Revolt, Dino Crisis, Shadowman, Ecco the Dolphin, Jet Set Radio, Space Channel 5, Skies of Arcadia, Star Wars Demolition, Confidential Mission, Outtrigger, PSO, Unreal Tournament, Sword of the Berserk, & the rest I just bootlegged. (there was a great disc that had SSF2t, MVC2, CVSNK2, Puzzle fighter & Ikaruga on one iso.) I also bought a later DC when my first one had a battery death, and a 3rd one before covid that got stolen during a break-up.

I think I wasn't the one who let the DC die.

I do wonder what the industry would look like today if SEGA didn't an hero from the hardware market and Dreamcast was a massive success

being able to burn CD's without a modchip killed it.

Sega has a well-known history of retarded moves, but Bernie Stolar's decision to launch the Dreamcast for $200 (rather than $250 like Japan wanted) was the final nail. Consoles are often sold at a loss, but this was too much, basically impossible to recoup.

Attached: bernie.jpg (197x256, 8.22K)

The same thing happened to me, and on the drive home my dad tried explaining to me that it was a dying console (or however a dad from the early 2000s would explain that) which is why it wouldn't make sense to get one. Even he liked the Dreamcast. Everyone in the room did.

>Fun console
>Fun games
My tiny child brain did not compute why people were treating the Dreamcast like a beloved relative on their deathbed.

> It would leave the GameCube as the most powerful console

You're forgetting the PS2 exists user

Just grabbed one and it's still some good shit

How does that change what he said? You didn't actually believe that "super computer" marketing nonsense did you?