I don't get it

I don't get it.

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Whats with the soap

Americans need lube to masturbate, that's the point of the comic I think


You can clearly see his junk is uncircumcised.

he don't miss

Uh Battlerbros? Are we letting Willfags style on us?


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Imagine being circumcised.

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I'd jerk to them too

Why does the man suddenly grow beard?

5 o'clock shadow
it's later in the day

I think the point is that watching anime makes you a pedophile.

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Jerking to cunny is incredibly based and thus causes a huge surge of testosterone.

he cant keep getting away with it

I didn't have a choice.

The computer screen images look edited. What's the original?

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FNaF1 Freddy jumpscare on left, FNaFSB Chica on right

Beating it is a sin

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Who did Bondrewd sacrifice for his whistle?

I have to imagine, you don't lol
cutfag loser

>tranny game

If it weren't for legal limitations, my mother would've had the whole dick cut off at birth if she could.

Where’s the funny?

What do you think ops pic is?

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the kid is watching the joker you baka

Why did you edit the original comic?

the nazi created porn for himself to euthanize an entire generation of gamers

That's hot, whats your moms eros page?

I did it today and I just felt empty

How is something as barbaric and retarded as circumcision not banned in "first world" countries? there's literally not a single benefit from it
>muh smegma
washing your dick once per day (as everyone should) is more than enough to prevent smegma
there are treatments for that, no need to cut the whole damn thing

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That explains why I don't need lube then, I'm not American.

I'm circumcised and I've never used lube
Am I doing something wrong?

Mutts genuinely prefer to cut their dicks instead of washing it once a day, it's astounding.

when your foreskin is super huge don't they just cut it off? i think when your cock isn't developing they also cut your foreskin (like having a baby penis at 14)

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Anglos are retarded

Amerigolems get their dicks mutilated as a baby to mark them as belonging to their jew overlor
As a result they need some kind of lube to reduce friction when masturbating since their dicks are dried out
Yes its sick, i know

That's the original though

Do you know how some pet owners cut the ears and tails of their dogs?
Now pet owners with jews and dogs with americans

Most of us don't get the choice, most American circumcisions are during infancy.

Because it's a jewish practice
That is literally unironically the only reason, I'm not even a Any Forumstard

Alright fellow cutfags stop playing the poor victim for a hot second and tell me, do you need lube and/or do you have complications with anything regarding your dong? I know I don't. Not American by the way.

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Sometimes you need it for medical reasons, but yeah, just blanket-circumcising all children is fucking evil. You can blame Christians for it in Burgerland.

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Same, I don't get it. The skin is mobile whether you're cut or not.

>Because it's a Jewish practice
Yet it was Christians that made the decision to adopt it as a standard. Don't try to shift blame.

Not just Christians, but the Puritan movement. A cult that Prots and Caths joined together to kick out of Europe.
A heretically-regressive Christian offshoot cult that formed the baseline for much of American religion and culture.

yeah but most of you still actively defend the practice and would gladly mutilate your own sons
I get the first part is a coping mechanism but why would you do it to your kid as well?
>muh roasties say its better

they're cut since they're babies so they don't know what they're missing out