Please recommend a time sink game I can fall back on

Please recommend a time sink game I can fall back on.

Old, new, I don't care.

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Enter the Gungeon or Dustforce


I'll post a big butt next time.


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If you're autistic and imaginative enough you can sink thousands of hours into Crusader Kings pretending to create and maintain a timeless bloodline.

No Man's Sky.

You can always pin your mind in some sudoku or jigsaw solving websites, its great fun once you get the hang of it.

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Factorio, runs on toasters

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Got a flight stick? Elite Dangerous

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literally any Monster Hunter game, if the gameplay loop works for you it is extremely easy to put anywhere from 200-1,000+ hours into just one release.

tf2, WoW, and dwarf fortress is always there for me no matter how often i get sick of other games

tf2 if you hate yourself
eft if you hate yourself
you hate yourself

Elden Ring
Burnout Paradise

Came to post this. It's not guaranteed that you'll get in to it but if you do, you are guaranteed to sink many hours in.
And if you like rouguelites you can try Risk of rain 2 or Hades.

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Any monster hunter except rise.

Only if there's g-rank. Otherwise you'll be done in 25-50, max.
Point being, don't get MH:Rise until its expansion is available.

tekken 7

The biggest, most fucking amazing time sink of all time.

Or if you are into survival/building games like Terraria or Minecraft, Vintage Story is pretty great too.

Mount and Blade: Warband. I tend to spend around 90 hours conquering everything each campaign and it never gets old. Also the mods are incredible, I especially liked the Lord of the Rings one.