Early 00s Kino


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I still have the music stuck in my head

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The PC version had some extra movie clips that were extremely hilarious.

This game is better know now for the hand holding gun template than the game itself.

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Oh like?
That's based.

This was never 'kino' and would be ripped to shreds if it were to release today for having absolutely nothing to do in its open world. That's not an exaggeration either. It was mainly a commercial for Snoop Dogg (he even showed up in the actual commercials more than the MC himself even though you have to enter cheat codes to unlock him). Easily one of the most soulless games I've ever played. Another great example of a dudd from 2003

That's what made it Kino.

I never could find them in youtube, but I remember a few of them being the "Oficial DEA procedures" in dealing with perps, and police office etiquette, which basically was just Nick being a dickass to everyone. Another one was a demonstration of the "Urine Charge" move, where Nick would kick an enemy in the balls while peeing, with the voiceover saying "You're in charge with Urine charge!"

This. Can't believe I got memed into buying this game. I skipped it back then because it looked trash but everyone online pretends it's such a hidden gem, but it's not. A hidden turd at best. The controls are bad, the city is boring (and there's nothing to do) and the beat em up battle system is utter trash.

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Is the first Saints Row worth playing?
And if so, what's the best way to play it on pc?

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Now that I mention it, I think I still have my old burned copy around here somewhere. Maybe i'll reinstall it and upload the videos someday.

I only had a Gamecube growing up so this was my GTA
I loved abusing the glitchy unfinished world terrain and falling through the map or getting launched into orbit

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imagine an FPS (you can go in 3rd person) with Tomb Raider strafe controls (can't seem to get M! to shoot), Kino sfx, setting and you get a lot of weapons off of enemies from level 1 alone.

torrent it if you have to.

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The best game to play whenever russia does something stupid.
The game design is also absolutely fantastic

It was my favorite because of the online. “Protect the pimp” is the best game mode. I can’t believe they gave up on the multiplayer

If you've already played 2 probably not. And as far as I know the only way to play it on pc is xenia, it probably runs like shit though