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Millions of threads about this one ending. Why?


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she cute.. cute girls/women makes everything 100x better

just classic uohchads at it again, nothing special

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this but not consensually

She's an adult woman, there's nothing to uoh about.

I will not eat your pussy

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some dude at FROM has a doll fetish because this is the second game now where he forces a ending where the player is absconded by a female doll-thing. Honestly its getting pretty fucking obvious now.

someone has to stop this man. this obsession isnt healthy

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I mean Barbies are pretty hot.

If I've learned anything, it's that people here are generally very lonely and will go bananas over vidya romance. Especially if it involves cute witches.

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I'm pretty sure this is the first Fromsoft ending with blatantly romantic overtones.
Previously, stuff like Plain Doll, Emerald Herald and Firekeeper were just implied romance.
Here you outright marry Ranni romantically and have lots of lovey dovey tsun tsun dialogue.

yeah but that ending is shit. I mean what would you even do traveling around in space with her? what the fuck is there to do except stare at the moon and stars? you JUST fixed the planet and now you dont even get to enjoy the fruits of your labor?

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Because its equivent to the Return ending of Sekiro.

>longest questline
>Ranni is basically semi-responsible for kickstarting the Shattering
>is cute
>has the most lore exposure of what really happened back then
>leads you into Nokron and Nonstella which give you insight about the outer gods and ayy lmaos

>longest questline
You have clearly not played the game. It's one of the shortest.

and yet she makes me uoh
little dolls have that strange power

>one of the shortest

I did every questline and hers takes by far the longest time if you do every step since she's involved with Rogiers quest to.

>opens up THREE optional areas (Nokron, Nokstella and the River Main) you need to fight through

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pic unrelated

>>opens up THREE optional areas (Nokron, Nokstella and the River Main) you need to fight through
All of those are opened by Radahn dying

Too bad I actually saw what the doll looked like under the dress, kind of undermines the sexiness a little.

That's the whole point.

Before, Marika and the Elden Lord were the land's gods, sponsored by the Greater Will. They used their Golden Order to instill order and suppress free will.

In Ranni's ending she becomes the new goddess (sponsord by the Dark Moon this time) and you become her lord and consort. However, if you talk to her in her tower after the "marriage" she explains that instead opf ruling like the Golden Order, she will take her Night Order (or whatever she called it, I forgot) and protect the planet from afar without interfering with the people who live there, so they can finally live in freedom without having to obey any divine laws or predetermined fates. That's why earlier on she talks about walking a dark path, and when you get her ring there's a warning about how you shouldn't try to share her loneliness.

In short, you get to become a god and live with your cute goddess wife while the world gets to be free of the tyranny and madness of the old gods, but the downside is that you can no longer interact with the world directly, only watch over it from a distance.

Was her doll body broken after the fight with the two finger or was it like that before?


Still cute tho.

She's a powerful sorceress and in her ending even becomes a goddess. Fixing her body or even finding/making a new one aould probably not be too hard for her.

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