Elden Ring

Let's judge Elden Ring in the most reasonable, pragmatic way. Let's talk about the good and the bad as it actually is, without bullshit. The way I personally see the game,

>art direction is good/great, a lot of variety
>ambient music is fitting
>a lot of options for customizing your playstyle (a lot of cool outfits too)
>the game does make you pay attention at all times
>the spectacle aspect is grandiose, great as ever
>voice acting is excellent
>sound design is excellent
>some bosses are indeed memorable
>memorable moments like going to Siofra River or Caelid for the first time
>legacy dungeon level design is pretty good or really good depending on what you find interesting
>some characters are quite interesting despite vague (as always) questlines
>animations are mostly good or great

>input lag
>completely unbalanced on all fronts
>throwing multiple enemies that overpower you in a combat system that is not designed for such encounters (using summons trivializes the game most of the time whether you want it or not)
>enemies are too aggressive and deal too much damage, especially later
>almost all of the bosses appear more than once, which completely destroys the charm of uniqueness
>dungeons are repetitive as well and the loot inside is mostly meaningless
>the map is too big for the actual content it offers
>the complexity of the regions gets lowered as you progress further
>being staggered by the smallest farts which creates extremely frustrating experience at times
>quests are very easy to miss due to a bigger world, another case of needing to look up a guide
>don't know what they brought George RR Martin for if the storytelling aspect is exactly the same as it was in Dark Souls games (which is good if you like that)

I honestly think I've covered pretty much everything there is to this game, the crux of the problem lies in your own perception, what you find more or less important, if the cons don't mean shit, then this game is a masterpiece.

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I can't believe they shipped the game when the whole ARC weapon being bugged
And no one actually called them out
Fuck Fromsoft and their retarded fanbase

this is probably my favorite from game just because of build variety alone

i completed the volcano manor assassinations, rannis questline, have the cursemark of death but havent given it to fia. am i locked out of anything?feel like killing my fellow tarnished has a major effect on the game but theres no indication anything is wrong, havent killed fire giant yet in the mountains, i think im on the last stretch of things but im putting off going any further because im still wondering which way i should go

Elden ring makes me cry bros

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Tranny game

>>input lag
ahah silly consolefag

Fair critique, my main complaint is that there are too many ways to cheese through the game easily with no skill, I for one thoroughly enjoy gatekeeping retards but elden ring doesnt keep them out what with the OP magic and various summons/ mimic tear

>the open world is complete useless once you understand how the the game plays out you will avoid 99% of the dungeons because there's no fucking reason to go in there
>there's also next to no point in killing any open world trash mob

>fire giant
>last stretch
Nah. You still have plenty to do, especially if you haven't done the Haligtree yet.

>don't know what they brought George RR Martin
I'm of the mind he wrote the alien/god shit and then just stacked that on top of the regular "times were good, not anymore though, go link the ______"

My biggest wish is for Fromsoft to one day create a souls like game that has a different seeting than Dark Souls / Elden Ring. Because Elden Ring is again, just medieval fantasy in essence.
I wish they would do something unique for once, maybe have a different story than "everyone and everything is but a shadow of their former glory and you are there to follow their footsteps".
This is why Bloodborne is still my favorite Fromsoft title. The setting was so unique.

Following some NPC questlines is fucked without guides, for exanple where to meet Alexander after the festival. He doesn't say ANYTHING about where he's going aftrr so good luck running into him in the fuckhueg world
Also the difficulty is wobbly. Enemies in Caelid had so much HP and damage after Liurnia that I was sure Altus was where the game wanted me to go. Altus enemies were more on my range to fight, but they give 20x the runes any enemy before that gives, so when I returned to Caelid after that I was a God among rotten men, killed Radahn on my 2nd try. I have no idea what meteors or orbital re-entry people are talking about when discussing that fight.

>input lag
Suggest not having a dogshit cardboard PC.
Also animations are mostly borrowed from DS3 and earlier games, your armor doesn't really matter beyond looks and some builds WILL have a bad time on certain bosses due to retarded design choices.

I fought a dozen of bosses/minibosses and it's getting boring, most of the time they also drop nothing interesting like the ancestral spirit or the draconic dude, all that bullshit for some ashes and a mediocre weapon? Also most of the stuff doesn't give much info

you can just avoid 99% of the dungeons there's no reason to go in them.

>it's all variations on "Im bad at the game".
lmao even


>fighting the same rehash boss in the same dungeons that are not even as good as chalice dungeons

The quests are supposed to be easy to miss. It's supposed to ensure you have stuff to stumble upon during replays, especially exploration focused replays.

Oh come on, there are fun dungeons and the boring ones are mercifully short.

FromSoftware's quests are not good enough to warrant multiple playthroughs just to find one where it ends with some NPC going mad and wanting to kill you

I thought the music was boring and uninspired

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