Starcraft 1:

Starcraft 1:
>I'll see you dead for this, Kerrigan! For Fenix, and all the others who got caught between you and your mad quest for power! It may not be tomorow, darlin', it may not even happen with an army at my back. But rest assured; I'm the man who's gonna kill you one day.
Starcraft 2:
>Sarah-kun pls a crumb of pussy I'll do anything I even killed my best friend for you please

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if he was smart he would avenge his friends and be smashing her corpse on the down low real tight like

what you expect from nuBlizzard where women are right and perfect

I unironically think of this disparity daily
I am still mad

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I honestly didn't mind Starcraft 2. All 3 of them. A bit of a generic ending? Sure. But it kept me entertained throughout. My disappointment with Starcraft 2 is more related to things like how they treated Use Map Settings / battlenet on release.
I thought the story and campaigns were all fine to good.

Here's a kino song

Co-Op is fun, too

Don't fucking remind me

I can understand moping for the love he lost.
I can understand that rage can die with time and heartache can last forever.
But to just forget that she killed all your mates?
Yeah nah

Mentzen became a simp

Starcraft 2 never happened, just like everything made by Blizzard after 2006

How would you fix it?
What if Jim killed Kerrigan? How is he going to deal with Mengsk and his Hybrids? (i assume a fix would get rid of the Hybrid plot and just ends with Jim killing Mengsk)

>I honestly didn't mind Starcraft 2

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How about not having the hybrids at all? They are the worst part of a bad game.

Hybrid list.
1.Tank hybrid
2. Shoot hybrid
3-4. REALLY BIG VERSION of above
6-7. Dingus and Dangus, the true villains of SC

*5 was meant to be flying

>How would you fix it?
1. No zero hibernation plot contrivance to reset the game board
2. Mengsk's empire is still in disrepair thanks to being shredded by both the UED and toyed with the last few years by Kerrigan's zerg and Mengsk remembers that he owes Raynor for saving his life
3. Protoss are likewise on the run/trying to shore up their forces in Dark Templar space. Maybe throw in a subplot about doctrinal friction or former High Templars digging deeper into void stuff to find a way to fight back against the zerg
4. No fucking prophecies or chosen ones.
5. Keep hybrids and Duran fucking about, but don't make it part of the Xel'Naga life cycle or anything gay like that. The last thousands of years of strife and misery being the result of little more than a science project gone out of hand is much better than GRAND COSMIC LIFECYCLES or whatever
6. Make Tychus Findlay an actual character
7. Remove the faggot dwarf from WoL along with like half the supporting cast
8. No primal zerg faggotry either
9. Stukov doesn't become reinfested but does become a central character
The general plot would be similar, just with better execution. Zeratul and Raynor come back from the mysterious big gay journey that was hinted at in the epilogue to Brood War with a xel'naga mcguffin that lets them pierce Kerrigan's defenses and kill her (maybe they use Stukov's knowledge of old UED weapons depots to make some sorta cool super cannonout of it or something, I dunno), doing so leaves the swarm in disarray and lets Duran manipulate the chaos and finally move into the spotlight with his hybrid project (but Kerrigan WASN'T secretly good and keeping him at bay, it's more just a happy coincidence). The hybrids themselves would either be a fourth faction or just random super monsters that Duran can control, but wouldn't have personalities or anything since he learned his lesson with the overmind. Or maybe he didn't and they end up killing him if you want to go full hubris. 1/2

The final act needs refinement, but the general gist should be
>Zerg as the starting campaign, highly forgiving because you've essentially won already
>Zeratul and Raynor reappear with an excuse for why they disappeared and a plot opener
>They work to reassemble an army and the parts of their plan they need necessitate them splitting up, this way you can have a separate Terran and Protoss campaign
>after their separate but intertwining adventures they meet up to gangfuck Kerrigan to death
>end of base game, a single expansion Brood War style that focuses entirely in stopping Duran and hid gay little science experiment.
That went on way longer than expected. I'm really passionate about SC1 and I really hate what they did to it.

Who do you even like in the supporting cast of WoL enough to say half? I find every single member lacks agency and has no self interest.

The Jamaican ghost guy could've been interesting with a more core role. Likewise, it would've been nice to see Nova developed into an actual character, maybe give the two more of a friendly adversarial rivalry instead of them literally trying to kill each other. Other than Tychus, that's about it really.

Misconception, he still wants to kill her in WoL. He doesn't double back on that until he learns about muh artifact.

That doesn't make it any better...

I know, just want the facts to be clear. this is really not even the worst part of SC2's story

just a little crumb , damn girl c'mon

co-op is the only reason I play it lol. fuckin hell they really messed up their arcade. give me back custom game, MTG enigma you fucks