Why is it like this?

why is it like this?

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This is what it was like when I was a kid, buying a game at the store, reading the box and the manual in the car ride home, then actually playing the game...

Because it's a boring slog that has driven you to fantasize about what you could do to improve it.

I hated playing games myself. So I would buy a game, habe my best friend over and watch him play

are any games are the reverse of this?

Because it's an RPG. They don't get good until you have a halfway decent build.. which takes what? At least 10-20hours?

It was like this until I finished Ranni's questline.
Unironically the best part of the game so far.

For every 1 hour of good content I've probably experienced about 3 to 4 hour of mundane bullshit. Wish it was more focused.

you probably enjoy watching more than playing
ever heard of this site twitch?

I got my moonlight sword and realized I probably won't see her again until the end, what a bummer.

Mid - early late game seems to be the sweet spot. Early game everything one shots you and late game zones are lackluster

But OP's image is relevant 60 hours in


because open world games are a complete chore, this probably the first souls game i will do 2 builds max where all the others i tried everything

Happens to me with every game ever

Because the fun shit like exploration inevitably leads to dicksmacking a boss under a high stress environment where one death can undo hours of grinding and leading you to realize you aren't skilled enough to make your build viable and inevitably reroll.
I have been doing this for 8 years in these fucking games. I just want to have fun

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Elden ring sucks shit

fren don't do it!!

55 hours in I'm finally done with stuff pre-Altus, can't wait for the game to get serious and see all the new enemies it's gonna throw at me. The stuff with underground cities was cool as hell, can't wait to see what other human and cosmic horrors await me in the second part of the game.

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It WOULD be like that, if it wasn't an open world meme.

I want to laugh but I really feel bad for the young you

cute n funny

Fucking Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel goddammit

what happened user?

I...I can't it's to powerful (ŤoŤ)

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uuu..... uuuuuuuuu....

70 hours in, literally at the last boss now, but i'm mentally so done with the game I really don't want to fight him over and over and over again and learn him so I just want to summon, but of course literally everyone is summoning and it takes LITERALLY 30 mins to hopefully find 1 person, but then you get invaded so it's pointless, so the game is almost literally forcing me to actually go back to the snow area that everyone keeps calling cancer and make me fucking grind.

game at start was a 8/10, but this shit is taking it down to a legit 6/10 for me. not fucking fun.


>oh man I can't wait to go try that cool thing I just found
>get staggered by a noble with a torch and subsequently stunlocked by a dog and a rat

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I'd probably change my build if I had the fucking smithstones to upgrade anything besides my current weapon, apparently you can buy the stones later but I haven't found anything for my current level yet so nothing I upgrade will match it aside from special weapons I don't really want to use.

Nah, it's the lategame that has absurd amounts of damage. I had 55 vigor and I was still taking 1/3 of hp per hit by mobs in Farum Azula, I just gave up on fighting with anyone at that point, it's frustrating.

Oh i don't like medieval games so I was just assuming it was like every other RPG

Just use the mimic, I stopped giving any fucks when I realized anything staggers you in this game, I hope mods will fix this

the second you beat margit and start on the castle, that's when the game really starts for a lot of people. it just keeps getting better and better till snow and it's just downhill from there funny enough sense it's the "highest place in the lands between" and when you leave it you... you know what nevermind i'm not funny enough.

>not using the 100 late game items and spells to negate damage

that's your own fault

Not him but I know the feel
>Can't wait to use my Six Sam deck from 2013 like when I used to have fun!
>Draw shit
>Get locked
>Don't draw blossom so I lose
>Opponent takes 30 minutes of my life doing Link loops
>Run into another old deck, it's one that counters Six Sams
>Run into a meme build that decks me out
Master Duel reminded me of why I stopped playing irl in 2015

Because you die and take it harshly

Is it really an RPG if I have to use the same kind of tools as everyone else? The balance in this game is all over the place, not in a good way.

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almost like the open world makes it more mundane who wouldve fucking thought

my god I'm glad someone else knows this feeling. I stopped playing back when monster reborn was still banned for tournaments, and since then the amount of bullfuckery that has come out of that card game is ridiculous. Still like playing it with friends though.

>Cast him in
The cunny

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>Master Duel reminded me of why I stopped playing irl in 2015
This!! This guy reallt gets it! It was fun to play with friends, everyone had their turn but actual decks have this infinite chain combos that lasts hours and the game gets all boring and stupid like "I get it kid, you can summon a tonshit of monster cards and all but it's a fucking game for two people I want to have my turn too"

>I can't use the same item as someone else!!!!!!!!!!
>puts all his points into VGR and STR like 90% of other Dark Souls players

you sound like an incredibly insufferable person

>exited to play some new souls vidya
> Reskin boss, reskin boss, useless reward, another reskin boss, main boss but HAAAAHHA PWOOOO ANIMU MILLION SWORS SLASHUR *fire effects* HAAAAAAAAAAA *still going* HAAAAAAAAA
>turn off Elden shit and looks at bird videos

My dick reacted weirdly by just seeing this image.

don’t get me wrong I did play games as well. just not singleplayer stuff, especially horror like RE or SH.
Loved street fighter, mortal kombat, mario kart, micro machines, goldeneye, mario party, gauntlet legends, perfect dark etc with the boys

>trannies recycling reddit humor
no surprise
They couldn't even come up with their own shitposting content

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Yeah it's fun when your friends aren't metafags. Makes things competitive in your own fun way.

It's not. I'm on my second character and I'm having a blast. Keeping my level low. Holding onto 10s of thousands of runes at a time, losing them, and then getting another stockpile of runes as I do co op. Finding NPCs and quests that I missed. Even areas.

Attached: rey.jpg (1920x1080, 659.05K)

Nigger, if I don't put points in Vigor I'm going to get killed in one shot by a single mob attack, this is not out of my own volition.

based Elden Lord

Have you tried not being a viglet? Have you tried not having empty armor slots? Have you tried using your wondrous physick to reduce enemy damage? Have you tried using a shield? Have you tried using bloodhound dash? Have you tried crafting? Have you tried buying prawns for damage negation? Sad to see so many people here try to rush through at low levels and stay viglets.

>new enemies

Lying bitch tries to get you to kill best bro in the game.

I just bought the amulet