ITT: Fuck you, I liked it

ITT: Fuck you, I liked it.

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Arthur was a hypocrite.

make a 3 hour video explaining why

All the realism shit bored me. Stopped playing around the time Arthur caught the cough. Red Dead Redemption 1 was far more fun.
Should I finish 2?

why do you care about what Any Forums thinks?

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Destiny 1

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It doesn't stop me from liking a game if Any Forums shits on it but it is pretty annoying when games i like get hate daily.

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I enjoyed it, but then I put it down for a while and never felt the urge to go back. It's a nice walking simulator if you want to enjoy the graphics, but isn't good for much else in my opinion.

movie game

I really liked it as well. Fantastic game. The only thing I dislike is how needlessly restrictive the missions are.

9/10 on IMDb

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hang yourself pepespamming twitter immigrant.

It was good but 1 was better

Is there a mod on PC to make Arthur's movement more responsive? that shit's awful

does anyone actually dispute RDR2 being a good game except Any Forums? as far as ive seen it's generally liked.

This game absolutely ruined all open world games for me with the exception of games like BOTW and Elden Ring. Everything open world game feels 10 years behind in terms of tech, details, etc.

Its called play a different game, the movement is 100% intentional and if you dont like it you werent the person in mind when they made it

what are the benefits of the movement being unresponsive?

i like nulara

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Its not unresponsive its weight and momentum like real life. Try sprinting then stopping and turning around on a dime. Doesn't work like that, and as a game that going for immersion the movement is very immersive. I wouldn't have it any other way. I see that as a benefit, but you clearly wouldn't understand why someone finds it beneficial for an immersive game to have immersive movement. So you should probably go play something else.

Nah most people outside of here love it. It won this Any Forums poll back way back when but yea who knows if that matters since most people here shit on it.

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