He filtered millions

He filtered millions...

Attached: Onryoki.png (641x573, 613.03K)

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Literally no one cares about nioh, so I doubt millions is an accurate number.


when nioh first came out, you could tell exactly who was coming to it from souls games based on how much they died to this nigga lol

>jobs to a miniboss

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I beat this boss and then basically lost interest
might pick it back up sometimes because stances were a fun mechanic

I stand corrected.

Just posting in this thread that your soulslike will NEVER be relevent on Any Forums.

Join the Elden Ring club bud. You can't win this war.

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Let them niggas enjoy their shit bro, there's no "war" to win.

Who the fuck got filtered by this guy? Beat him second try while I was still learning the controls after screwing up an input and dying the first time. Nioh has hard bosses but he is not one of them.

>guts cosplayer #119827938130710

Another Team Ninja soulslike is right around the corner and people are hyped for it, how are we losing?

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I died to him quite a few times because I didn't realize you could block the big fuck off balls

Already know it'll have better balancing than Elden Shit.

>denying the six million

have fun pressing roll and r1 ad nauseum

I literally stopped playing when I got to him
I'm glad though, wouldn't wanna be suffering the rest of the game

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they can't do that anymore haha they get punished from spamming roll and they hate it

lmao @ your life

The original Nioh 1 demo was fucked up.

You don't spam roll anymore but all you do is press roll and R1 anyway.

It's ironic how Souls exploded in popularity while Nioh is obscure. Nioh is everything Fromdrones think DS1 is: Extremely difficult, niche and requiring you to git gud. Playing the two, the difference is night and day.

Have fun bro, enjoy your colossal weapon STR build in Elden R-... PffffhahaHAHAHA

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I fucking love Nioh, 2 is fine.

Wrong pic

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Are weapon upgrade materials finite in this game? I hated how each playthrough of DS3 had a limited number of titanite slabs you could get when it was possible to farm them in DS1 and DS2.

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I was there when he filtered million of soulbabies
Shit was fucking hilarious
Oh no no no no no hahahahaha
Enjoy getting fucked in the endgame bro

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He filtered me once. Then I returned and won the rematch.

>Are weapon upgrade materials finite in this game?
Nope, i don't remember anything like that

Sure are some rampant shills for this shit lately.

just beat radahn on my 40str grafted great sword build when does it get hard

>Nioh 1-2
>weapon upgrade materials

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>just beat radahn
Kek prepare your ass, you're in for a fuck show

He unironically was the hardest boss for me in the entire game. You just don't know the game well enough and are stuck with bad habits when you fight him.

Easily beating him when he shows up later in the game made me see why soulfags are soulfags
It's need seeing how far you come from the start

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There still mad to this day because they can't just cheese the game.

That's the worst part, you can easily cheese him. Just throw a blinding powder and LW his ass. But soulsfags can't even do something that simple.

What war is that? Who has the better combat? Actual difficulty? Which game requires more thought than "pump one stat and hope for the best"? Because we won those wars long ago.

*sloth talismans u*
*iai loops ur post for 2/3 of its health*

nothin personnel kid