L for sonicfags

>Mario Kart DLC with over 40 tracks
>Mario Strikers
>Mario+Rabbids 2
>A feature length movie

Sonic Faggots get:
>Sequel to a mediocre Hollywood movie with sonic slapped on it
>Sonic Frontiers (test players saying it'll be shit already)
>Sonic Origins (who gives a shit)
>Sonic Prime (the only thing that has a chance of being good sonic fags will get this year)

Mario fans eating good this year

Attached: MV5BODMzNmZjZGItNjk5Yy00ZTg5LTg1MjMtODU4NmUzMjg2M2E3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEyMjM2NDc2._V1_.jpg (1080x1350, 180.84K)

Sonic movie was ok for what it was. Still hate Jim Carrey playing Jim Carrey with a Robotnik nametag.

>no main line Mario game
>multiple main line sonic games

sonic movie made millions what are you talking about

>>A feature-length movie
It's going to absolutely ruin Mario's legacy like that original abortion of a movie they want you to forget.

Attached: SMB_Movie_Poster.jpg (257x381, 52.63K)

>smb movie
Imagine getting filtered this hard.


>thing is shit
>d-dude it's actually chad!
fuck yourself.

Attached: 2.jpg (1280x720, 71.61K)

>>Mario Kart DLC with over 40 tracks
Recycled content from a dying mobile game.

>Mario Strikers
Might be cool.

>Mario+Rabbids 2
This is not a good thing.

>A feature length movie
May or may not be good. Probably no more offensive than the last sonic movie. But it IS illumination, so might suck.

picking on sonic fans is like picking on the retarded kid. I look down on you for doing it.

>Cube off-center
What the FUCK did they mean by this

Let me hope my sonic hopes, traveler.


Honestly, the thing that worries me the most about the upcoming Mario movie isn't the fact it's a film adaptation of a video game, but an Illumination production at that.

>actually chad
I think twitter might be more your speed.

>Dankey Kang making DUDE WEED LOL jokes all film

gee, can't wait.

By multiple you mean one fag

Hitler was rich, what's your point?


It's a Mario movie for kids, it's not going to have weed jokes, keep using that as a coping mechanism though

It's an Illumination AND Nintendo production, they've even said it themselves, illumination won't be handling everything and that Miyamoto is very hands on

>Recycled content from a dying mobile game.
Forgot that "game I don't like" = "dying game"